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Jennifer Clifford
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Jennifer Clifford
Upbeat Genuine Believeable Gen X Likeable Real
Last online5 years ago
Jennifer Clifford
Upbeat Genuine Believeable Gen X Likeable Real
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:10 - Total samples: 2
Jennifer Clifford - 0:52
Jennifer Clifford - 0:18
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About Jennifer
Member sinceJan 31, 2011
Real, natural, believable my voice invokes the emotional connection and passion needed to engage listeners. Your satisfaction is my first priority!
Real and fresh for commercials, natural for narration, energetic for presentations for you to work with!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
The most neutral of all North American dialects-- Midwestern!
Experience, training, and equipment
17 years working in voice...
As a emcee and host for live events, honorees commented that I had a golden voice, voice-over became my calling.
Before moving to Denver 15 years ago, I had the opportunity to study and work with many talented voices in Chicago.
Good fortune has come my way in the form of an opportunity to give voice to a wide variety of applications for fine companies like; Qwest, Teletech, Intercontinental Hotels, Wells Fargo, The Isle Casinos, The Department of Energy, Whole Foods, Dr. Andrew Weil, Starz Film Festival and many many more.
Grateful to be born when I was, I became educated in digital recording and mixing just as razor blades and cutting tape were going out of style.
I love this work and you can hear it in my reads!
I Have had the pleasure of studying with and learning voice-over secretes from: Mark MacLean in Chicago, Norm Silver in Colorado, Hilary Blair at The Denver Center for Performing Arts, Kathleen Ham at DCPA, Jennifer Thomas at DCPA, Marla Kirban in NYC and Lynn Skinner of Vocal Eyes Music. These talented artists are the best in the business and have taught me to be the best I can be while always striving to be better.
I am member of may industry groups and keep my finger on the pulse of VO everyday!
Oh yeah... I have a BS degree in Business Administration, which means at one point in time, I actually understood the double entry method of accounting!
The VoicePrint studio is a REAL recording studio with an Auralux Room System for sound control--no blankets here!
Hardware and software include:
Sennheiser 416 Microphone
M-Audio Fast Track Pro Audio Interface
GoldWave Recording and mixing software
Licensed Music Library, genres including; rock, jazz, industrial, classical, country, corporate and more.
Sound effects
DSL high speed connection
Telephony-IVR professionals have relied on my specialized editing skills to deliver perfectly formatted files based on their systems' attributes.
Also offering a wide variety of formats including, PCM .wav, .mp3, .vox, .aiff, .ogg, .wma
Fully mixed tracks including licensed audio and sound effects.
Optimized sound with consistent levels so updated files are an exact match to previously recorded files.