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jeff larson
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jeff larson
Classical, poetic, full, rolling, Made for Poetry,
Last online13 years ago
jeff larson
Classical, poetic, full, rolling, Made for Poetry,
Last online13 years ago
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About jeff
Member sinceMay 11, 2011
I consider my voice to be smooth, rolling, deep, effective in translating idea, thoughts and feelings. Great for professional presentations, but even better for recital, books of poetry, history,and commercial efforts meant to capture sincereity, the heartland, etc. I live in Georgia, but grew up in Minnesota. I spent many years writing and reading on the Poetry circuit in Minneapolis/St Paul. I lector (do the readings) for church services and sepak in front of people as a financial services rep. I am also a Chi Kung Sifu and speak to individuals and groups often, I have been in front of groups in a teaching capacity for many years and recorded my own instructional DVD. I do not consider the voice I use on the DVD as my more reflective readers/voice-over style voice
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
I would not consider this a strength, but pushed to write something, I foten play with Irish, British and Italian accents. Others could perhaps be done, but I would but profess to being profecient at any. I do speak some Spanish, so I imagine I could do a fair, not great Italian or Spanish accent
Experience, training, and equipment
Beginning, Intermediate & Master Class Training (at Your Act in Atlanta, GA)
Long history of public speaking and public reading, poetry reading, performance art, and live instructional training.
Certified Black Sash in Chi Kung & Kung Fu. Enter the Gate Disciple of the Grand Master of Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu
Chef, Executive Chef
BA in Finance, 10 years in financial services
MBA with a concentration in Marketing
Founder/President: Floating Monk Chi Kung
I have in home studio quality recording capability, access to a number of studios, including one used professionally for various atlanta voice artist and musicians.
All of the items listed above
Plus, one of 13 Children, yes...Catholic (always the second question) :)
One memebr of the family to graduate from College (and get an MBA)