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Jason Smith
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Jason Smith
Announcer, Offbeat, Urban, Professional
Last online17 years ago
Jason Smith
Announcer, Offbeat, Urban, Professional
Last online17 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:03 - Total samples: 1
Commercial Demo 1 (2005-2006)
Jason Smith - 4:03
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About Jason
Member sinceJan 9, 2007
I have always had a Deep, projecting voice. I would consider it fit for more Professional Presentations (such as Businesses, Charities, & Schools amongst others. I am also currently an On-Air-Talent at an Urban Radio station and I have done work in Urban/AC and News Formats
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male young adult
Male teenager
Experience, training, and equipment
I am an On Air-Talent, Not a "DJ" (DJs work Turntables, I work my Voice). I hosted the most popular Hip-Hop Show in Lansing History for nearly a year and a half with a voice that people long thought was that of a 30 Year Old White Man (I am a 27 Year Old Black man). I am also a Production manager, so a lot of the spots I have done were self-produced. I have done Voice Work for nearly any type of Business, from nightclubs and clothing stores, to Tax Preparers and Schools. Basically You Name it, I CAN DO IT!
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Communication from Michigan State University in 2003 and I graduated with Honrs from The Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts in 2004.
I Feel I am a Great Communicator. I don't fall into the Stereotypical Young Black Male Mold. I have the Porfessionalism to get a job done, whether it's a Radio Voice, Voice Over Acting, Voicemail Greetings, or anything else. Being in Radio means I am constantly working on my craft.