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Jason Mann
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Jason Mann
Warm, deep and personal.
Last online4 years ago
Jason Mann
Warm, deep and personal.
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:24 - Total samples: 3
Audiobook clip
Jason Mann - 1:22
Commercial Reel
Jason Mann - 1:32
Corporate Explainer
Jason Mann - 1:29
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About Jason
Member sinceMay 13, 2014
LocationSan Diego, CA, USA (GMT -7)
My training is for advertising(personable non 'radio/salesy'), and I am versatile enough to do everything from audiobooks to characters.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
San Diego, CA, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
I have been a full time musician for the last 10 years, playing everything from corporate events to wedding to wineries. I attribute my music success not only to the quality of my product, but the level of professionalism I bring to the situation. A few my more notable 'rockstar' moments were opening for Al Stewart, Robbie Krieger from the Doors(yes, THOSE Doors!), and also for the 80's Christian Rock band Stryper, with my musical trio.
Before that, I was a branch manager in a securities and insurance firm. That career taught me that being a professional puts me head and shoulders above! Why wait three days to answer an email when 3 minutes will do just fine?
I have been an avid reader all my life, from the fantasy novels of Piers Anthony when I was a kid, to my latest read, by the prior Secretary to the VA(Shulkin), called 'It Shouldn't Be This Hard to Serve Your Country'. One of my favorite hard sci-fi writers, is Kim Stanley Robinson, who wrote the Red/Blue/Green Mars series. A must read.
I also wrote and studied the art of fiction for 10 years, thoroughly exorcising my literary demons. I understand the fever when the words just HAVE you, and you feel like your fingers can't move fast enough before you lose this precious, perfect idea. On the flip side, I also know what it feels like to stare at a blank screen for 2 hours. :)
From the age of 15, I trained daily in martial arts, and later taught in Connecticut and California as well, having achieved black belts in two styles of martial arts. This journey was a real 'burning away' process for me. Without the joys and hardships of this particular part of my life, I am not sure I would have had much success in the other parts.
I love creating something from nothing, which is what I did with my music business. I also love helping something great become greater.
I'm looking forward to working with you!