Believable, trust-worthy, warm, conversational, funny, charming, witty, smooth, professional, coachable, "cool dad", relatable, the everyday man...are just some of the words to describe the voice talents on Jason Harper. Whether it's a hard-hitting automotive spot or a chilled, laid-back conversation while playing cards, Jason has the skills to pull it off. The education from being a live performer for 25 years has given him all the tools needed for adapting to any situation and being able to change on-the-fly. If you're looking for the perfect husband or dad role, this is your guy. Jason's expertise comes from being a TV host, news anchor, radio announcer and pitch man for television commercials. Jason's voice, alongside his personality, can either complete the sale or make you want to sit down and have a cup of coffee with him. Whether you're wanting to educate or entertain, Jason Harper has the voice to keep you and clients coming back for more! Phone Message systems, technical medical scripts, encouraging matter how difficult or laid back, the versatility that Jason's voice provides will assuredly give you more than what you are looking for.