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Janet Marie
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Janet Marie
Low and pleasant, sexy to sincere to professional
Last online5 years ago
Janet Marie
Low and pleasant, sexy to sincere to professional
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:41 - Total samples: 7
Bed Bath Beyond spot 1
Janet Marie - 0:31
Bed Bath Beyond spot 2
Janet Marie - 0:31
Toyota spot
Janet Marie - 0:40
Perfect Abs Infomercial
Janet Marie - 0:24
Janet Marie - 0:47
Professional Phone Voice
Janet Marie - 0:23
Hollywood Gossip Promo
Janet Marie - 0:21
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About Janet
Member sinceJul 21, 2006
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
1) Professional, well-articulated and smooth - a voice people will take notice and listen to;
2) Enthusiastic with a light, happy young character - this harkens back to my cheerleader days;
or 3) Breathy, sexy and alluring - no explanation needed!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
LET'S DO CROSSWORDS (Game), Featured, Contestant, Merv Griffin Prods./Synd.
EPIC RIDE (Reality), Featured, Motorcyclist,Pipeline/Speed Channel.
SMARTEN UP MINUTE, Feature Reporter, Cyber-Mom, Danstar Productions/Pilot.
TODAY'S INTERNET, Feature Reporter, WPBT-TV (PBS)/Pilot.
LOVE PATROL (Radio), Host, Talk Show, Danstar Prods./KIEV-AM.
SPOTLIGHT (Radio), DJ/Host, Music and News Show, American Radio Network.
CAPITOL, Featured, Nurse, John Conboy Prods./CBS.
RITUALS, Featured, Art Patron, Telepictures/Syndication.
SECRET FANTASIES, Featured, Wedding Guest, Little Joey Prods./Playboy.
INTERVIEW, Lead, Author, Cine Paris/Cable.
WOMAN, Lead, Woman, Cine Paris/Cable.
DARK OF THE NIGHT, Featured, Wife, Cine Paris.
BLEEDER AND BATES, Voice (ADR), Secretary, Cine Paris/DB Media (Italy).
List Available on Request, Voice/Over Tags, 70 spots.
Spoken Word Artist, Trance Music, in French and English, The Giannetta Group (ASCAP).
MAMA RAP, Voice/Over, Parent, Danstar Prods. (ASCAP)
DANCE/SPORTS: Irene Fokine, Rosalind DeMille, Judith Martin, Roland Dupre, and Stanley Holden for Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Improvisation, Pop, Yoga. Also trained in Boxing and Karate.
VOICE: Sandra McKnight, Edson Stroll, Joan Baker.
ACTING: Mike Pointer, Geno Havens, Randy Kirby, Judy Jernudd, WIF Performers’ Workshop, Smith College, Santa Monica College.
DEGREES: B.A, Smith College, Theater Arts; M.B.A., Pace University, Marketing; TV Journalism Certificate candidate, UCLA.
Broadcast Quality Set-Up. Information on request.
VOICE: Voice/Overs, Spoken Word Artist, Announcer/Spokesperson.
ACCENTS: French, New York. Can do voice/overs in French, as well.
SPORTS/DANCE: Motorcycling, Skiing, Jet Skis, Sailing, Swimming, Canoeing and Hiking. Dance (Freestyle).
OTHER: Songwriter, Music Publisher/Producer, TV/Radio Producer, Business Manager, colorful and articulate reality show talent.