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James Mann
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James Mann
Original characters, baritone/bass, musical.
Last online10 years ago
James Mann
Original characters, baritone/bass, musical.
Last online10 years ago
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About James
Member sinceJun 11, 2014
- I have experience reading very official, neutral copy for retail purposes that are reaching large audiences for and
- Experience editing and honing copy to fit timelines.
- I also have acting experience that lends my voice to a wide array of affectations, from comedic to dramatic.
- My voice would most aptly be described as a low baritone.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
- Accents I am comfortable impersonating: variations of British accents, Australian, Russian, Scottish, Irish. I'm also comfortable characterizing variations of New England accents as well. These are hyperbolic representations largely for comedic purposes.
- I have experience mimicking existing voices as well as offering original characterizations.
Experience, training, and equipment
- (2010 to 2013) served as on-camera talent and produced a high number of videos. Worked largely as an improviser on camera in this position.
- (2013 to 2014) served as voiceover talent and read product descriptions.
- Worked as a writer of on-stage programming in the summer of 2006 for LifeWay Camps at Glorieta, New Mexico.
- Wrote and directed for comedy onstage for TNL at the BCM at Morehead State from 2005-2008.
- Served as freelancer for music composition starting in roughly in 2011.
I have two Bachelor's degrees from Morehead State University. One is Electronic Media/Production and another in Philosophy.
I've played in a number of professional/touring music acts (The Deloreans, Go Mordecai!, the Jason Lovins Band) and I am very comfortable composing music and producing it.
I record in a home studio that is equipped to isolate sound very well. I work on an iMac and use Ableton Live for both music and voiceover production. My current interface is a Presonus FireStudio, but I am always upgrading and improving this side of my production.
In terms of microphones, I have access to many! My preferred microphone is a dynamic: the Sennheiser 421. This is a high quality microphone that focuses well on one signal and prevents loud sound floors (hisses, pops, ambient sound). I also have a Shure PG81 and Bluebird.
Aside from using Ableton Live I primarily work with an extensive Waves plugin suite that offers me a great deal of options in terms of the actual sound of the voiceover.
My strongest asset in developing and seeking voiceover work is that I am malleable. If I do not have an existing approach that would accommodate the demands of a project, I feel that I have the tools and ability to create one! Aside from that, I work quickly. I have experience in high production, low mistake environments that demanded collaboration with a wide variety of companies sold by previous employers.
I can make your copy come off the way you intend it to!