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Jameelah McMillan
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Jameelah McMillan
Versatile, authentic, efficient and professional.
Last online5 years ago
Jameelah McMillan
Versatile, authentic, efficient and professional.
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:10 - Total samples: 3
Jameelah McMillan - 1:21
Commercial Demo
Jameelah McMillan - 1:11
Animation/Character Demo
Jameelah McMillan - 2:36
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About Jameelah
Member sinceNov 4, 2004
LocationOrlando, FL, USA (GMT -4)
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Portuguese - Brazilian
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Male teenager
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Orlando, FL, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Southern, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, British, Haitian, New York, African
Experience, training, and equipment
Professional, highly versatile actress with over 16 years of industry experience. I pride myself on being the "one take wonder". Save time and money hiring this professional that promises to deliver the goods on the first take!
16 years ago, I booked my very first voiceover audition with just one take. It was a national television spot for Tampax. Lucas Films booked me for Star Wars: The Clone Wars off of my animation demo. After my first session, they called me back for 6 more episodes.
I have voiced national commercials, radio spots, video games, industrials, ADR and looping. Some of my clients include:
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (6 episodes) - Lucas Films
Proctor & Gamble (Tampax)
Coca Cola
Marvel Comics
Golden Corral
The Cheetah Girls
Columbus College
*full list upon request*
Voiceover - Jodie Gottlieb, Mary Lynn Wissner, Sara Sherman, Sonya Sonje (Blupka Studios - LA), Porsha Hines
Advanced Scene Study - Ben Guillory (Robey Theatre Company - LA), FrankieGreenlee, Miller Lucky Jr. (NCA&TSU)
Meisner - Tony Savant, Mark Pellegrino (Playhouse West – LA)
Improv – Ed Garza (Second City - Chicago), Karen Fort (Chase Park – Chicago)
Shakespeare – Anne James (ChicSpeare - Chicago)
Studio Bricks Isolation Booth
Sennheiser MK416
Steinberg UR 22mkII Audio Interface
Adobe Audition
Jameelah McMillan is a native of Philadelphia, PA but spent the majority of her youth in Greensboro, NC. She attended college at North Carolina A&T State University where she performed with the E.Gwynn Dance Company and the Richard B. Harrison Players. Upon graduation, she relocated to Chicago, IL and began her career in theatre, voice over, film and television. Jameelah booked her first on camera role as a guest star alongside Chuck Norris in the hit TV show Walker Texas Ranger. Shortly thereafter, she booked her first voice over gig in a national television campaign for Tampax. Over the next 2 years, she continued to book work for clients such as McDonald’s, FootAction and Columbus State College. She also continued to hone her craft through classes and performances at Chicago’s Second City Improv, Victory Gardens Theatre, Chicspeare Productions, and MPAACT Theatre Company.
After relocating to Los Angeles, Jameelah found success in all genres of theatrical performance. She booked guest starring roles on shows such as iCarly and Eve. She appeared in various independent projects including 2 films with rap mogul Master P, a comedy series with comedian Eddie Griffin, a short film with rapper Fredro Star, and many others. After signing with SBV, one of the top commercial and voiceover agencies in Los Angeles, Jameelah’s voiceover career took off. She continued to study with veteran VO artist Cynthia Songe of Blupka Productions and Portia Scott-Hicks of Posh Voices. She can currently be heard as the voice of Marisol in the popular videogames Pain and Pain 2 as well as the voice of Diamondback in the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 videogame. She also voiced the characters Queen Neeyutnee, Senator Halle Burtoni, Mahtee Dunn, and RO-Z67 in 6 episodes of the Lucas Films animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars, airing on the Cartoon Network. Most recently, Jameelah signed a 10 year contract to voice and appear on camera as the character Jody in the Coca Cola 4-D film In Search of the Secret Formula, currently showing at the World of Coke Museum in Atlanta, GA.