Voice By Jake, LLC is a Disabled Veteran Voice Actor business. I have participated in a variety of different type of local and international venues and activities. These have included big and small tasks, for various types of clients in diverse markets. I am willing to support as may of them as possible. Originally first generation American (family roots of Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, Lithuania, etc.). I have traveled the world to learn these various accents and dialects (including Australia for 4.5 yrs, Germany, England, etc.) and can produce them error free on a moments notice. In addition, to help out at my local church, I have completed (and continue to) several many voice-over recordings for the SouthEast Christian Center such as narrations for the youth ministry, and the SouthEast Community Outreach Center (SECOR), and CERI. These products are shared with international and domestic christian networks. Thank you.
I have (and continue to) attend study classes. Some with well known talents such as Bob Bergen (voice of Porky the Pig). In addition, I continue to participate in training/classes and instruction and guidance with VoiceActor artists such as Penny Abshire, Jim Alburger, and Hilary Blair's team at the Denver Center of the Performing Arts.
As always, I continue voice-over/voice acting personal talent growth with daily home studio training. Thank you.
ASUS (Republic of Gamers) computer with stereo sound system
Pro Tools digital audio studio editing software
R0DE NT1-A XLR microphone with stand & low-noise cabling systems
R0DE NT-USB microphone with stand & low-noise cabling systems
R0DE Professional Podcaster USB microphone, stand, & low-noise cabling
Wavelab Essential digital audio studio editing software
Audacity digital audio studio editing software
Sony Vegas Movie Studio Suite 14
M-Audio ProFire 610
M-Audio Fast Track Pro
Beringer XENYX mixing board
Standalone CD/AIFF/MP3 Digital sound input drivers
Livewire Advantage professional cable for ALL connections
Stedman and Kaotica Professional Pop filters
Wall/Room sound-proof materials w/supporting stands, booms, etc
High Speed internet access
Full Microsoft office suite
Climate & environmental controls
....and more.......
I am pretty innovative, but also dedicated to the product at hand (no matter how large or small). From my home studio, I can perform and provide quality character, narrative, commercial, and other audio needs. For example, mechanical sounds and voices such as Cylons, Buck Rogers, and from various parts of the world (i.e., India, England, Ireland, Australia, African, etc). I also can provide a huge array of animals (elephants, dogs, cats, pig/hog, monkey, etc), objects (door squeak, train, boat horn, etc), and a huge list of personalities. Please let me know what you would like to try. No job is too large or too small, as I'm always up to the fun. Thank you.