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Ian J. Garrett
Ian J. Garrett
Versatile, Sexy, Sophisticated, Hip, Unique
Last online14 days ago
Ian J. Garrett
Versatile, Sexy, Sophisticated, Hip, Unique
Last online14 days ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 11:02 - Total samples: 6
Radio Imaging & Production (KXBT-Austin)
Ian J. Garrett - 3:48
VO & Imaging Demo
Ian J. Garrett - 1:02
Voice Imaging (Assorted TV)
Ian J. Garrett - 1:04
Voice Imaging (DJ Drops)
Ian J. Garrett - 0:52
Aircheck (CHR/Rhythmic/Urban)
Ian J. Garrett - 2:51
Commercial Demo
Ian J. Garrett - 1:23
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About Ian
Member sinceOct 29, 2008
LocationAustin, TX, USA (GMT -5)
You do what you enjoy doing. I'm no different.
I've voiced/produced commercials for clients nationwide + Mexico. I voice, produce/image all of my material in house.
Voiceovers & imaging for CHR, Rhythmic, Rhythmic AC, Urban, Urban AC, & Smooth Jazz formats.
Whether it's a voice, producer, or creative writer/branding evangelist, I get it done.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
On demand.
Experience, training, and equipment
Full radio station imaging, commercial TV/radio/online production, and general/specific voicework for all clientele.
Strong skills in imaging for CHR, Rhythmic CHR, Urban (Hip-Hop) Urban AC, and Jazz formats. Voice and approach can easily be catered to your needs.
Voiced and produced concert spots for Smokey Robinson, Beyonce, Case, Common, 3-6-Mafia, Rob G, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Chris Brown, Soulja Boy, Wu-Tang Clan, UGK, Keith Sweat, Ronnie Laws, Jackheim Joyner, and more!
All on-air dayparts and worked a handful of formats over the last 15 years. (MD, APD, Production/Imaging Director, etc.)
I have d a passion for programming, but production is "my zone".
You learn by doing. You grow by making mistakes, and you advance by having people that believe in your talent. A handful of individuals took time to provide opportunities and invaluable advice: Rudy Ramos, Elroy Smith, Rasheeda Ali, Michael Soul, Mike McCurdy, TJ Roberts, Rick Party, Don Amiche, Deborah Lesser, Dusty Hayes, and others.
In respect of two good people we lost over the years; TJ Roberts & Rudy Ramos.
TJ was Production Director and voice for CBS Baltimore. He was my voice guy for our Rhythmic station (KXBT) in Austin from 2006-2008. A versatile reader and talent. We clicked from the get-go. I wrote, he laid the voice, and I produced/imaged it. Our passion was evident in our work together.
Rudy Ramos was "family" in every sense of the word. Not just a talented OM/PD EVERYWHERE he's been, but especially at KXBT. Rudy gave me free reign (On air AND as Production/Imaging Director) to create anything and not think twice. I became a better leader and better man because of his unwavering faith.
Stuff includes: Behringer Eurorack UB222-FX-Pro, Waveterminal 192M Interface, Rode Condenser Mics, yada yada...
Want to create meaningful material and better audio visibility for your needs? Want quality work with a quick turnaround? Want to be hip, without trying too hard? Want clean, crisp well-produced material?
Do you understand why quality production creates emotional bonds with your consumers? And how that means more business for you?
EVERY opportunity is a branding opportunity. Who do you trust with the bullhorn?