National Television voice over and radio voice over contracts include:
Mazda 2
Palmers Cocoa Butter
Medibank Private
Natural Gas
The Dunes Port Hughes
New Port Queys
South Australia Brilliant Blend
Savings & Loans
Harbour Town
The Palace
The Beach House
Columbia University
Guest in the Drama Department Fall 2008 & 2009
Centre for the Performing Arts Adelaide South Australia
Shakespeare and Company MA, USA
Los Angeles Women's Shakespeare Co.
Linklater Voice Training
Actress in Australian Film, Television, Commercials, Voice Overs, and Stage.
Young South Australian of the Year Finalist, Emerging Artist South Australia, Adele Koh Scholarhip in Acting
PRO Tools, MAC, Panthera Mic, Compressor, MBOX2
Access to all studios with full professional needs and ISDN
I love Ocean Water Yacht Racing
My claim to fame is being able to cook a lamb roast on a 45 degree angle whilst crossing the Bass Strait from Tasmania to South Australia in an Adams Carina 44"