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Helen Hobson
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Helen Hobson
posh! character! Accomplished VO Artist, singer experienced,
Last online5 years ago
Helen Hobson
posh! character! Accomplished VO Artist, singer experienced,
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 0:22 - Total samples: 1
Arkana Female
Helen Hobson - 0:22
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About Helen
Member sinceAug 12, 2008
LocationLondon, UK (GMT +1)
Currently in Come From Away at the Phoenix Theatre London, playing Diane and others. I am a very experienced actress having been employed as a leading lady in many West End shows including the belt pop voiced role of the lead, Donna in Mamma Mia!, Mrs Johnstone the Liverpuddlian mother in Blood Brothers, Eliza the cockney Soprano in My Fair Lady and Clara the emotional upper class soprano in Stephen Sondheim's Passion, I also played opposite Sir Cliff Richard in the role of Cathy to his Heathcliff, singing powerful pop ballads.
I was brought up in the West Country worked in Bristol so am able to do that particular accent, however I speak with RP (popular) being musical I have an ability to do accents see below.
I am able to perform professional presenter style voices, and warm tones for story telling with the ability to flip to different characters. I can also perform child like voices with humour.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
On-site recording
London, UK
Additional vocal abilities
West country, Bristol Native dialect
Liverpuddlian- Mrs Johnstone Blood Brothers, West End
Tammy Wynette spoken and singing voice,
Julie Andrews, spoken and singing voice
Welsh, southern, swansea/crickhowell area
Scottish, posh Edinburgh
New york
Southern USA - Played role of Tammy Wynette in Stand by your man. Uk Tour
Experience, training, and equipment
Having been an actress for many years my voice has been used as a singer and for the spoken word. I was the voice for Kent Accident Link for over two years, a warm honest tone speaking from actual experience. I was Jane Austen and Anne Elliot in a production of Persuasion at the Northcote Exeter, again British, warm tones, clipped and precise.
Silvascreenrecords(UK website) have a humerous christmas recording of "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth " a young american almost cartoon like voice !
Radio 4 used me for a recording of "Daughters of Britannia"
I recently impersonated Edith Piaf for a Video game.
On the International tour of Mamma Mia! I spoke German in a few of the interviews and ad clips!
Road Peace uk used me for a presenter for a training video.
I am a sight reader of music and recorded albums in very quick time and am known in the industry for the speed of delivery saving studio time and money!
Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts 3 year Acting Diploma
Middlesex University Teachers Certificate in Speech and Drama
Currently speech and Drama Teacher for Mountview, LSMT and individual pupils.
I am a music sight reader.
I have accomodation in the Bristol, Liverpool and Edinburgh areas.
I have a full UK driving licence.
I play the flute.
I am known for my versatility in singing styles and the spoken word.