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Heather Clayton
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Heather Clayton
Girl Next Door, Professional, Mainstream, Sultry
Last online11 years ago
Heather Clayton
Girl Next Door, Professional, Mainstream, Sultry
Last online11 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:16 - Total samples: 2
Heather Clayton Crestview Auto
Heather Clayton - 1:00
Heather Clayton Hot Head
Heather Clayton - 0:15
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About Heather
Member sinceApr 11, 2013
Female, Smooth, Mainstream, Professional, Natural, Conversational, Fun, Friendly, Sultry, Warm.
Able to adapt to the script/direction.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Southern, Exaggerated Southern, Non-Regional but willing to try anything!
Experience, training, and equipment
I have worked in commercial radio for many years and have lent my voice to many projects from straight commercial reads, to playful and fun character spots, imaging for various stations across the country, and phone systems.
I've worked in commercial radio for 10 years. I am an on-air personality. I've done imaging, commercial voice overs, given presentations, voiced phone-systems, pretty much any and all projects that I can lend my voice to.
Shure SM7 Mic
AudioArts MR-40 Production/Mixer Console
Cool Edit Pro/Adobe Audition
I am your classic over-achiever. I am the number 1 afternoon drive personality, in my market, 2 years running. I am a "non-traditional" college student, with a 3.85 GPA, and a wife and mother. I will not rest until I feel that I have done the very best that I can do!!