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Harry Myers
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Harry Myers
Deep, rich and smoky
Last online7 years ago
Harry Myers
Deep, rich and smoky
Last online7 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 9:52 - Total samples: 22
The Heavy
Harry Myers - 0:37
My natural voice (London accent)
Harry Myers - 0:14
UK accents demo
Harry Myers - 1:56
Australian accent
Harry Myers - 0:19
Old time Chicago gangster
Harry Myers - 0:32
Creature noise
Harry Myers - 0:13
Standard North American
Harry Myers - 0:33
Harry Myers - 0:14
New York
Harry Myers - 0:17
Harry Myers - 0:18
Inspector Lestrade (Sherlock Holmes)
Harry Myers - 0:21
Voice of God
Harry Myers - 0:17
Crow (Black Coffin)
Harry Myers - 0:25
Harry Myers - 0:11
Hard/edgy London
Harry Myers - 0:11
Harry Myers - 0:18
Movie trailer guy
Harry Myers - 0:26
English old fashioned posh
Harry Myers - 0:25
UK police documentary
Harry Myers - 0:32
Harry Myers - 0:18
Harry Myers - 0:17
Gruff London
Harry Myers - 0:46
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About Harry
Member sinceOct 20, 2014
LocationSuffolk, UK (GMT +1)
Deep, rich, smoky
Warm or hard and edgy for narrations
Sexy for anything that needs to be sexy
Confident and friendly
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Other
English - Other
English - USA and Canada
English - Australian
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Suffolk, UK
Additional vocal abilities
I do a whole heap of British and international accents. My US accent is particularly good.
Experience, training, and equipment
2015/16 - Resh & other roles in Horizon: A New Dawn
2015/16 - Lestrade & other roles in Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
2016 - various roles in The Dwarves (working title)
2017 - Omri in PCF
2017 - The Heavy in Brains (working title)
Numbering in the hundreds for the BBC, Big Finish and Audible among others
Many for the BBC, including readings, narration and verbatim transcripts for TV and radio
'Crow' in 'Black Coffin' for Coco Visual
Several theatre pieces
Some corporate/technical/charity voiceovers
I have taught radio/recorded voice at several drama schools including Mountview; Central School of Speech and Drama; Lamda; Italia Conti & East 15.
I trained at Guildford School of Acting and left in 1998 with a higher national diploma in acting.
I have a lot of professional experience in theatre, TV and film as well as radio and recorded voice.
I'm a strong singer with a big range.
My voice is pretty resilient so I do a lot of shouting/growling/snarling parts!
I play a pretty mean alien.
Human/animal-cross voices a speciality.
My voice can really boom if necessary as it's very resonant.