All-American, Animated, Announcer, Approachable, Articulate, Authoritative, Believable, Bright, Character, Classy, Clear, Comforting, Confident, Conversational, Cool, Corporate, Dependable, Direct, Down-to-Earth, Dramatic, Dynamic, Educated, Elegant, Energetic, Engaging, Enthusiastic, Experienced, Friendly, Fun, Funny, Gentle, Genuine, Girl-Next-Door, Happy, Honest, Informative, Intelligent, Inviting, Knowledgeable, Mature, Midwestern, Modern, Mom, Motherly, Natural, Original, Perky, Personable, Persuasive, Playful, Polished, Powerful, Professional, Pure, Quirky, Real, Refined, Refreshing, Relaxed, Reliable, Resonant, Rich, Romantic, Sassy, Seasoned, Sensual, Sexy, Sincere, Smart, Smooth, Soft, Soothing, Sophisticated, Strong, Stylish, Sultry, Sweet, Talented, Trendy, Trustworthy, Unique, Upbeat, Urban, Versatile, Vibrant, Warm, Young, Youthful
Hannah Logan is nothing if not versatile.
She has been acting, writing and doing voice-overs for over twenty years, and possesses a strong facility for creating compelling characters.
She finds particular enjoyment from creating new voices from "out of nowhere" and finding the right voice for animated characters.