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Greg Murray
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Greg Murray
authoritative, big, friendly, warm, fun, deep
Last online6 years ago
Greg Murray
authoritative, big, friendly, warm, fun, deep
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:05 - Total samples: 4
Automotive Demo
Greg Murray - 0:59
Concert Demo
Greg Murray - 0:58
Commercial Demo
Greg Murray - 1:00
Industrial Demo
Greg Murray - 1:06
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About Greg
Member sinceAug 7, 2007
LocationColumbus, OH, USA (GMT -4)
From warm and friendly business, education and radio voice overs to powerful, bold authoritative and thunderous concert, automotive, sports and racing voice-overs. Voicemail greetings, on-hold messaging to podcasting and web content. Deliveries range from fun, offbeat, snarky, humorous and pleasant spots and promos to the powerful delivery that makes people take notice. National clients include Gorilla Glue, Southwest Airlines, Under Armor, and Union Pacific Railroad and the NHL's Columbus Blue Jackets and national concert tour commercials for artists like Toby Mac, For King and Country, Chris Tomlin and Kari Jobe.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Phone patch
Columbus, OH, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
I love what I do...I've been a voice actor for nearly 30 years, building my business as well as creating fully produced online, radio and television projects. I have produced commercials, promos, in-house training presentations and voiceovers for national clients like Gorilla Glue, ACE Hardware, Southwest Airlines, Under Armour and Union Pacific Railroad; Professional sports teams including the NHL's Columbus Blue Jackets and the NBA's Washington Wizards and National Concert tours for Winter Jam, Steven Curtis Chapman, Toby Mac and and Chris Tomlin. Screaming car dealer? Check...Light friendly furniture store? Check...Fun Kids center? Check...Concert spot for Grammy-nominated artists? Check...Promos for Professional sports teams?...Check
Easy to work with? ask any of my clients...Fast and correct, the first time? Check.
When I'm not producing, I'm using my VO skills as arena voice for the NHL's Columbus Blue Jackets.
Scripps school of journalism degree, and a nearly 30 year voice-acting career. I've learned by listening, watching, practicing, and asking for the opportunity to do the job. I'd be glad to work with you on your project.
Available via Source Connect, ISDN and phone patch
Skype availability at murrvox_voice_imaging
ADK S-7 studio condenser mic with a Symetrix 528e processor Produced on Adobe Audition.
As much as I enjoy actually doing the voiceover, I enjoy even more hearing a client say "yeah, that's exactly what I wanted.". I am very capable at delivering voiceovers and delivering them quickly and accurately but am also very well regarded for my ability to produce incredibly high-quality radio and television audio as well. I am fully licensed for music with Firstcom (translation: NO NEEDLE DROP FEE FOR YOU) I have full studio access at any time, am easily accessible by phone and am incredibly flexible to work with.