Welcome to my page! I am a professional voice actor who offers problem free broadcast quality voice from my home studio. Whether it be e-learning, narration, commercial, explainer video, training, instructional, whiteboard, corporate video, IVR, video game, animation, character work, I do it all.
I offer lightning fast turnaround (UNDER 24 hours in most cases), fair, affordable pricing, and fully edited and de-breathed files, ready for your use. Delivered any way you need (email, WeTransfer, FTP, Dropbox and more) and in MP3, WAV or AIFF format.
To check out my demos, go to my website: https://www.gregallenvoice.com
My voice has been described as friendly and approachable guy next door as well as professional, conversational, educational, soothing, ageless, confident, animated, comical and energetic.