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Georgia Buchanan
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Georgia Buchanan
Soothing, Wry, Warm, Genuine, Classic, Sassy, Fun
Last online8 years ago
Georgia Buchanan
Soothing, Wry, Warm, Genuine, Classic, Sassy, Fun
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:43 - Total samples: 4
Georgia Buchanan - 2:51
Georgia Buchanan - 1:31
Georgia Buchanan - 1:08
Phone Systems Demo
Georgia Buchanan - 0:11
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About Georgia
Member sinceJun 14, 2014
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Warmth and comfort with a splash of sarcasm.
That first cup of coffee in the morning.
Conversational, sexy and fun for commercials
Clear and Professional, Honest and Genuine for non-broadcast
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Non-Regional American
Experience, training, and equipment
I started doing VO work accidentally while working for a lobbyist in Washington, DC. They needed someone to narrate one of their corporate instructional videos and I had just the right mix of WASP from Connecticut and New Jersey sass to fit the bill.
That was 6 years ago and after spending the last 5 years in London, I'm back in the USA once again. Since my American accent was unique overseas, I did a lot of television work, mainly for Pioneer Productions, who produce Extreme Homes: International Edition. You can hear me dubbing over phrases such as "The walls made of dirt in our living room have a wonderfully calming effect on the whole family." Or "What remains of the bunker from WWII now makes up our downstairs bathroom."
The other highlight of my time in London was getting to narrate a serious of children's videos for the refurbished Bletchley Park Museum, which was released just in time for the 75th Anniversary of the start of WWII.
I am currently the voice of the Canadian Cancer Society.
Earlier this year voiced the role of Samantha and Serena on a new video game that Sony is producing, based on the classic TV show Bewitched.
And just recorded my first national commercial for Juicy Juice!
BFA in Acting from Syracuse University
MFA in Acting from East 15/University of Essex (UK)
VoiceOver training: Ed Lewis of Shut Up and Talk in NY, Cut Glass in London
Other Voice training: Linklater technique with Lizzie Ingram and Lisa Ann Porter, Stewart Pearce at Shakespeare's Globe in London
Accent training: Richard Ryder at the RSC
I use a Blue Yeti microphone with TwistedWave on my MacBook Pro in my home studio. I also have access to a professional studio if needed.
I'm also a professional actor, working on stage and in film for the last ten years in NYC and London.
I've also got extensive training in mask and clowning work, which comes in handy in lots of fun ways!