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Geoff Allen
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Geoff Allen
Good guy, bad guy, authoritative yet friendly
Last online12 months ago
Geoff Allen
Good guy, bad guy, authoritative yet friendly
Last online12 months ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:41 - Total samples: 3
Londoner - Shipping
Geoff Allen - 0:27
Audio Book - Dalmations
Geoff Allen - 0:57
Radio Station Promo
Geoff Allen - 0:15
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About Geoff
Member sinceApr 18, 2013
LocationPortugal (GMT +1)
Warm and professional for narrations and presentations, believable and clear for eLearning and audiobooks, upbeat or cool for commercials and promos...and London cockney for builders, decorators, landlords, gangsters and taxi drivers (not necessarily in that order!)
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Additional vocal abilities
Middle-aged homeowner, London cockney, 'good cop/bad cop', gangster, rural farmer, mid-atlantic dj and character voices for cartoons
Experience, training, and equipment
I started making radio commercials in 1974...and I've won awards. In addition to being a respected radio presenter, I am also an experienced copywriter and commercials producer, winning Sony awards for Radio City in Liverpool and Radio Orwell in Ipswich.
My voiceover, writing and production skills have created trailers, promos, competitions, programmes and features for a variety of tv and radio stations including Thames Television, BBC Radio One, Invicta Supergold and Two Counties Radio.
My memorable audio productions are currently being created using Rode NT1A, Shure and Beyer microphones, Focusrite Scarlett Audio Interface and Audacity sound-editing software on iMac.
My expertise is not restricted solely to the radio studio - I am also a qualified and experienced EFL teacher and, after teaching at a number of schools in England and Switzerland, had my own successful language school in Bournemouth.
Therefore, I feel equally at home in the studio and the classroom - but between you and me, I have to confess to loving radio and music just a little bit more than teaching the Present Perfect!