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Gene Dixon
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Gene Dixon
Smooth, Casual, Urban, Jazzy, Natural
Last online3 years ago
Gene Dixon
Smooth, Casual, Urban, Jazzy, Natural
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 10:43 - Total samples: 12
Commercial Demo
Gene Dixon - 1:07
Website Narration
Gene Dixon - 0:16
Commercial Demo- Miracle Whip
Gene Dixon - 0:17
Keep Oakland Beautiful - PSA
Gene Dixon - 0:08
Animation Demo
Gene Dixon - 1:16
Art of Dodgeball - Animation
Gene Dixon - 0:22
Codon Zero
Gene Dixon - 3:17
Audiobook - Narration
Gene Dixon - 1:33
Audiobook - Suspense
Gene Dixon - 1:44
Pizza Commercial
Gene Dixon - 0:14
Miller Lite - Commercial Demo
Gene Dixon - 0:09
Commercial Demo- Dunkin Donuts
Gene Dixon - 0:14
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About Gene
Member sinceAug 7, 2005
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Gene Dixon has a deep voice with authoritative and persuasive characteristics with tones that are warm and inviting.
His versatility enables him to smoothly transition from an unaccented middle-American feel to roles requiring an urban contemporary voice. His read is very well-suited for the requirements of corporate and professional work, but when called for, he can display a relaxed conversational style and a natural sense of humor.
Public speaking for various projects.
Worked with professional voiceover artists.
Narration project for Tom DeWolf.
Currently working on an audio book project.
Hello Gene-
Thanks for your great work on our JazzFest pieces...wanted you to see the finished bits that will run next week on the JumboTron (do they still call it that?) during the festival.
Very cool. We appreciate your talents so much. Hope to use you again. - Jeff Reynolds
VVI (Vision Video Interactive)
"Thanks again for doing the V.O. for this. Hopefully the plug in the credits will get you some more notice. I’m pleased with how it turned out. I hope you like it. I love having your voice on it."
Tom DeWolf
Currently working with voiceover coaches AND acting coaches in the Los Angeles Area.
Neumann TLM 103, AT 2020,KRK Roket5 Monitors, Behringer XENYX 1204 Mixer and a Custom Built Vocal Booth.
MUSIC/VOICE MIXING. I am very adept at mixing music beds under voice audio. If you provide the music I will expertly mix the edited VO with a music bed underneath.
IT professional working with computers for over 20 years.
Music Studio Manager for 4 years for John Barnes Productions.
Youth coordinator for a youth drama and dance workshop.
Participated in the workshop when I was a youth.
I love golf and played to a 6 handicap last year (back to a 10 now) and I love high-tec toys.
Love voiceovers for videogames and most importantly, playing them.
I love to hang out with my wife and my family. :)
Oh! and I love to have FUN! I'm looking forward to Comic-Con 2015! GEEKS ASSEMBLE!