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Frank George
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Frank George
Character, Product Specialist, Sincere..approach
Last online5 years ago
Frank George
Character, Product Specialist, Sincere..approach
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:59 - Total samples: 1
Demo Reel mix
Frank George - 1:59
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About Frank
Member sinceMay 11, 2007
Voice type, Warm, Sincere, Honest, delivery. Instant credibility ..,my range includes, ability to ramp up for Billy Mays type of spots also.
Experience- on air talent with MANTALK, Bait, Babes and Boats, Fishing Segment..Business Presentations, TV commercials, Documentaries, Films, Business Training sessions, Corporate websites, Product presentations, On-camera corporate websites and infomercials, company spokesperson and live announcer.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
Portuguese - Brazilian
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Brazilian Portuguese, Non-Accent Spanish, Brooklyn, NY, Italian
Experience, training, and equipment
I am on air radio talent for MANTALK, I do a weekly fishing segment, called Bait, Babes and addition, I am a spokesperson for a variety of companies in the medical, financial & auto industries. I do vo's and oncamera spots for company websites. I also do on-camera film, tv, commercials, industrials..etc.
Spokesperson: GE, Sea Tow, Costco Rx, CVS Pharmacy, US Path Labs, Arthritis Foundation, Hershey, March of Dimes, Canadian Drugs, Medi Save, Doctor Solve, Freedom Yacht Club, American Legal Nurses, Aleve-Bayer Healthcare, ITT-Technical Schools, Maroone Toyota, FORD, Miami Police, Better Trades, Asahi Beer
I have a keen ability to present products and services with credibility and sincerity, helping companies deliver clear messages and increased revenues.
I have earned an MBA in business management & administration over the years.
I also teach voice projection, stage and acting techniques at Standing Ovation Performing Arts.
On Air Radio Talent For MANTALK, Fishing Segment
Medical Sales
Business Presentations
Website hosting
TV commercials
On-Camera Infomercials
Live anouncer
Tom Logan Classes
John Roberts Powers Classes
Product Promotions
MBA Business Mgmt
I have relationships with multiple studios in the area where i record weekly.
In addition, home studio. and portable sound proof booth I travel with so vo's can be delivered rapidly.
Can write my own scripts..and deliver a great message with call to action.