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Erin Ashley
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Erin Ashley
Voice Over Artist
Last online5 years ago
Erin Ashley
Voice Over Artist
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:41 - Total samples: 2
Narration Demo
Erin Ashley - 1:31
Commercial Demo
Erin Ashley - 1:09
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About Erin
Member sinceOct 19, 2019
LocationPhiladelphia, PA, USA (GMT -4)
Professional. Reliable. Focused.
I am prepared to make your voice over project a reality and I am willing to work until it's exactly how you want it. I am experienced in commercial, narrative, educational and medical scripts. Your text can be brought to life in a variety of styles including warm, trustworthy, energetic, informative, authoritative, caring mom, the girl next door and even the Voice of God.
Growing up in Northern Maine I learned the value of hard work, a job done right and the importance of genuinely satisfying a client. My laid back nature will ensure we have an easy working relationship and my goal oriented personality will ensure your project is completed to perfection.
My experience, work ethic and knowledge of how to create a high quality recording will save you time, money and hassle.
I look forward to working with you!