Little Caesars TV Ad (Hot & Ready campaign)(#1)--ALL OF NORTH AMERICA (2012)
Little Caesars TV Ad (Hot & Ready campaign)(#2)--ALL OF NORTH AMERICA (2012)
Little Caesars Radio Ad (Hot & Ready campaign)(#1)--ALL OF NORTH AMERICA (2012)
Little Caesars Radio Ad (Hot & Ready campaign)(#2)--ALL OF NORTH AMERICA (2012)
--Creative Studios of Atlanta Voice over class and workshops
--Live theatrical performances.
--School announcer.
--Acting lessons and workshops at Creative Studios of Atlanta
--Atlanta, Workshops include SEPTEMBER DAY, Dave Pileggi, Ken Feinberg, Joey Paul Jensen, John D'Aquino, Allen Hooper.
--Performances at The Orlando Event, Disney; performances at Dallas Modeling and Talent Expo (Took 2nd place, 2nd place, third place)Voice and acting.
Several professional condensor microphones, processing equipment, phone patch, multiple mixers and VO programs.