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Eric Keller
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Eric Keller
Bass-baritone, smooth, easy-listening, relaxing
Last online16 years ago
Eric Keller
Bass-baritone, smooth, easy-listening, relaxing
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:02 - Total samples: 6
Game Show Voice
Eric Keller - 0:19
CNN Demo
Eric Keller - 0:15
Investment Fund Demo
Eric Keller - 0:27
New York Life Demo
Eric Keller - 0:17
Lexus Demo
Eric Keller - 0:22
Park Avenue Demo
Eric Keller - 0:20
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About Eric
Member sinceSep 14, 2007
I have a deep bass-baritone voice which is very professional, convicing and soothing.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Southern, Surfer, Asian Indian, Russian, German, Afro-American, Brooklyn, French, New Jersey
Experience, training, and equipment
My early work was as the MC for beauty pageants, concerts, competitions and other social functions at Florida Southern College.
I was also the voice for the (English) audio guides for the Hermitage Museum (Russia) explaining all the fine art. My second job was the English voice-over for the Russian Tourist Bureau explaining the history and architecture of the St. Petersburg area. My last job in Russia was announcing the news (in English and some Russian) on the new jazz and easy-listening radio station, Radio Hermitage.
My vocal training was at Florida Southern College (USA), The St. Petersburg State Conservatoire of Music (Russia), and The Internationales Opernstudio at Opernhaus Zurich (Switzerland).
For the past three years I have been performing at the State Theater in Nuremberg, Germany.
M Box Mini Interface
Pro Tools 7
Rode NT1-A Microphone
I am also an opera singer (bass-baritone). I have just returned to the U.S. after spending the past six years performing and studying in Russia, Switzerland and Germany.
I can also speak German and Russian.