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Eric Harris
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Eric Harris
Tenor, Character Actor, Geeky, Funny guy
Last online13 years ago
Eric Harris
Tenor, Character Actor, Geeky, Funny guy
Last online13 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:06 - Total samples: 1
Beauty and the Beast - Gaston
Eric Harris - 3:06
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About Eric
Member sinceJan 23, 2012
If I had to describe my voice, I'd say it sounds youthful, geeky, and fun, like someone narrating the Disney Channel lineup.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
English (both classy and like a street urchin), Irish, Russian (Like a James Bond villain), Scottish (Like Shrek or Craig Ferguson), German (like a cartoon nazi or Arnold)
Experience, training, and equipment
I've been mostly doing stuff for my own satisfaction at this point. Initially I had a short run on a flash cartoon called "M3N: The Animated Series" on Newgrounds as a gay English man named Mickey Anderson. It was a LOT of fun.
Nowadays, I've just put up a channel on Youtube called "EZHarryKaraoke" where I showcase my singing ability by performing songs from Disney musicals and other various sources. If you need a guy who can sing for a cartoon or do a radio jingle, I could probably provide the voice.
I'm a 2009 Graduate from the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, having studied in the field of radio and television. Among the things covered were voice over performance and production. I've had an internship with Clear Channel in Hartford as well. I've also had a background in freelance theater, performing for local anime conventions.
I have easy access to the recording rooms in the Connecticut School of Broadcasting Campus in Farmington, but at home I have a small setup of a Samson GoMic portable condenser and a pop filter.