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Emily Pollard
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Emily Pollard
articulated, smooth tone, expressive
Last online16 years ago
Emily Pollard
articulated, smooth tone, expressive
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:35 - Total samples: 2
emily pollard
Emily Pollard - 1:00
Emily Pollard - 1:35
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About Emily
Member sinceJan 18, 2006
Friendly voice for testimonial style commercials, also can be serious and commanding for important announcements, wide variety of character voices, american, british, new zealand, australian accents, fast talking for hard sell ads, smooth, soft and sexy for commercials, good story telling voice for book reading/radio dramas.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
English - Australian
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
British, Irish, Scottish, North American, Australian, New Zealand
Experience, training, and equipment
Narration, voiceovers and vocals for children's entertainment group, Rocfish - check it out! we tour all over Australia, New Zealand and America), voiceover for real estate Australian tv comercial, Australian radio voiceovers for community and professional stations, recorded numerous radio liners for promotion of Rocfish events.
Have been spending a lot of time in the USA so have got all American accents covered!
8 yrs Speech & Drama training with Trinity College London, gaining knowledge of voice projection, production, tone, articulation and expression.
Completed 1 yr of Bachelor of Arts (Media Commmunications), completed 4 yr Primary Teaching course at Southern Cross University, Australia in 1999 and taught for several years.
Attended voiceover workshop in 2005 with Lyndie White Wenner in Nashville, TN, USA
experienced stage/theatre performer (actor/singer/dancer), worked as tv/film extra, Drama teacher, directed and produced theatre performances, received numerous awards in public speaking, debating and drama festivals and competitions.