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Emily Jeffers
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Emily Jeffers
Friendly, happy and conversational
Last online4 years ago
Emily Jeffers
Friendly, happy and conversational
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:05 - Total samples: 1
Emily Jeffers Commercial Demo
Emily Jeffers - 1:05
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About Emily
Member sinceJan 14, 2017
LocationCharlottesville, VA, USA (GMT -4)
I have a wide range of variation with my voice. I am able to sound professional and am also able to sound fun and playful. For longer more natural narration style work, I can sound down to earth, relaxed and calm. While doing commercial work, I have the ability to express many styles, from energetic and upbeat to honest and straight forward.
I can do accents and different voices (elderly woman and young child for example). As well as character voices and accents. The accents I am strongest in are English (Southern England) and Russian.
I do have advanced speaking proficiency in Latin American Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. I do speak some Russian as well.
Skills and services offered
Spanish - Latin American Neutral
Chinese - Mandarin
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Male teenager
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Phone patch
Charlottesville, VA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Southern Belle
Kid Voices
Experience, training, and equipment
For almost two years I worked as a freelance voice actor in Beijing, China (from 2012-2013). The majority of the work I did was educational narration, however I was involved in a large production where I voiced eight different parts (including a lead role) for a Chinese sitcom that was being dubbed into English.
By typing into Google: "Emily Jeffers Voice", you will find the first link takes you to an article written about my experience working as a voice actor in China.
When I was living Beijing, an acquaintance requested that I audition to be his partner for a voice acting gig. I began working and steadily was booking enough jobs that I was able to leave my full time job at the time and focus solely on voice work. For nearly two years, I was employed in the voice over industry before moving back to the US in 2014.
Software: Adobe Audition, ProTools, Apple’s Garage Band, Digital Interface and Mixing board: Mackie 1402
Microphone Neumann U87
Speakers and headphones
I am able to write original copy and edit existing copy. I can do some basic translation in Spanish and some in Mandarin Chinese.
I have worked for many years as an English Literature and Writing teacher in private schools in the US and in China. I have voiced many educational text books for children as well.