Whether it's calming the nerves of a hurricane-threatened Gulf Coast community, inspiring large groups who've come to my seminars for motivation, delivering an inspirational story via audio CD or DVD, or encouraging audiences to purchase a builder's new 'green home' via an infomercial, I've been able to use my voice to benefit consumers, businesses, tv & radio audiences for all of my adult life. While the majority of my voice work was done on the news anchor desk, I spent most of my career coaching other journalists to use their voices to communicate effectively without the stereotypical news anchor delivery. My most recent audio recordings include "Anchored: Reflections from a Reporter's Notebook," (2008) produced by Drexel Gilbert Enterprises, Inc. and Benchmark Homes Quality Homes for Quality People,(2008) produced by The Kalifeh Group and Airwind Productions, Mobile, AL.
All training comes from 30 years on the job experience and workshops/consulting sessions provided by my employer at the time.
Access and working relationship with Dogwood Productions, Inc. Mobile Al. State of the art voice production and recording studio.
In addition to excellent voice work, I can offer exceptional copy writing and copy editing skills.