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Domingo Castillo
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Domingo Castillo
Professional Male Voice
Last online4 years ago
Response time36 minutes
Domingo Castillo
Professional Male Voice
Response time36 minutes
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:03 - Total samples: 8
Domingo Castillo Commercial Demo
Domingo Castillo - 1:00
Elder with Gravitas - Third Generation Farmer
Domingo Castillo - 1:00
Cleaning Masters TV Show Audition
Domingo Castillo - 0:30
Pitch Black Nightclub Event
Domingo Castillo - 0:23
AJR - 100 Bad Days
Domingo Castillo - 0:18
Over-The-Top Voice - WHOLE LOTTA Organic Clif Bar
Domingo Castillo - 0:08
Mr. Movie Voice Epic Movie Trailer
Domingo Castillo - 1:13
Church Video Voice Over
Domingo Castillo - 0:30
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36 minutesmedian response timeresponse time
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About Domingo
Member sinceMay 18, 2018
LocationChicago, IL, USA (GMT -5)
Hi! I'm Domingo, a full-time Voice Talent with over 25 years of experience narrating voiceovers. You can hear my work on countless Commercials, Narrations, Instructional / Explainer Videos, Podcast Intros & Outros, Phone Systems / IVR, Voice Mail Greetings, etc.
I have a sound that can be classified as Deep and Warm however I also offer additional styles such as Conversational-Millennial and Movie Trailer / Epic Voice. I'm also a fairly adept mimic capable of numerous impressions; I honestly surprise myself on occasion.
I'm looking forward to working with you on your project. Thanks for visiting!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Additional vocal abilities
Need a jingle? I can also sing and have relative perfect pitch.
Experience, training, and equipment
25 years in Broadcasting.
20+ years as an Adjunct Professor, School of Media Arts, Columbia College Chicago.
20+ years as a Professional Musician / Band Leader.
Sennheiser MKH416, Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo and Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo MKII, Avid Pro Tools, Adobe Audition