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D.L. Walker
D.L. Walker
Straight, character, multi-voiced personality.
Last online3 months ago
D.L. Walker
Straight, character, multi-voiced personality.
Last online3 months ago
Playlists (4)
Duration: 2:25 - Total samples: 2
D.L. Walker - 1:21
D.L. Walker - Straight voice
D.L. Walker - 0:49
Duration: 3:27 - Total samples: 3
Of Mice and Magic - Shade
D.L. Walker - 0:50
On 2nd Thought - Tithing
D.L. Walker - 1:41
Chickens in the Headlights - Goats
D.L. Walker - 0:56
Duration: 1:25 - Total samples: 1
Scotish Voices
Duration: 2:10 - Total samples: 1
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About D.L.
Member sinceAug 23, 2005
LocationSalt Lake City, UT, USA (GMT -6)
While I have been mostly doing straight narration for industrial video, my roots are in character voices.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Here are the dialects that I'm most comfortable performing. I'm a quick study, though, and can do most anything.
Most of my impersonations are of older celebrities. I haven't kept up with pop culture to start doing new ones. Here's a rough list.
Experience, training, and equipment
I have over 60 audio books that I have performed.
The Best of Especially for Mormons (4 Cassettes), Stan & Sharon Miller and Sherm & Peg Fugal
Heber J. Grant: Exemplar to the Saints (5 CDs), Matthew Haslam
Plates of Gold: The Book of Mormon Comes Forth (4 CDs), Matthew B. Brown
The Missionary's Little Book of Answers (4 CDs), Gilbert Scharffs
Tennis Shoes Adventure Series: Kingdoms and Conquerors (12 CDs), Chris Heimerdinger
Lost and Found (4 CDs), Clair Poulson
I'll Find You (7 CDs), Clair Poulson
Mirror Image (5 CDs), Clair Poulson
Blind Side (7 CDs), Clair Poulson
Don't Cry Wolf (7 CDs), Clair M. Poulson
Wrongly Accused (4 CDs), J. Michael Hunter
Rewind (4 CDs), Jeff Downs
Standoff (4 CDs), Jeff Downs
Chaos (4 CDs), Jeff Downs
Into the Fire (4 CDs), Jeffrey S. Savage
Cutting Edge (6 CDs), Jeffrey S. Savage
Beyond the Horizon (4 CDs), Judy Olsen
Dangerous Games (4 CDs), Keith Morris
A Familiar Ring (4 CDs), R.K. Terry
Epicenter (7 CDs), Sonia O'Brien
Time Travelers: Trouble in Palmyra (4 CDs), Robert Ficiur
Mary and Joseph (12 CDs), Robert Marcum
On Second Thought (4 CDs), Robison Wells
Deep Waters (4 CDs), Thomas Eno
The Committee (5 CDs), Wayne Overson
The Operative (4 CDs), Willard Boyd Gardner
Chickens in the Headlights (4 CDs), Matthew Buckley
Bullies in the Headlights (5 CDs), Matthew Buckley
Ravenspell: Of Mice and Magic (4 CDs), David Farland
Ravenspell: The Wizard of Ooze (4 CDs), David Farland
Traitor (7 CDs), Sandra Grey
Tribunal (8 CDs), Sandra Grey
Serpent Tide (8 CDs), K. L. Fogg
Widow's Revenge (7 CDs), K. L. Fogg
Diamonback Cave (7 CDs), K. L. Fogg
Out of Jerusalem, Vol. 1: Of Goodly Parents (6 CDs), Heather Moore
Out of Jerusalem, Vol. II: A Light in the Wilderness (7 CDs), Heather Moore
Out of Jerusalem, Vol III: Towards the Promised Land (7 CDs), Heather Moore
Out of Jerusalem, Vol. IV: Land of Inheritance (7 CDs), Heather Moore
Abinadi (7 CDs), Heather Moore
High Stakes (4 CDs), Jennie Hansen
Wild Card (4 CDs), Jennie Hansen
Seventh Seal (7 CDs), Jessica Draper and Richard Draper
Rising Storm (12 CDs), Jessica Draper and Richard Draper
Final Hour (12 CDs), Jessica Draper and Richard Draper
Kevin Kirk Chronicles: My Mom's a Mortician (4 CDs), Patricia Wiles
Kevin Kirk Chronicles: Funeral Home Evenings (3 CDs), Patricia Wiles
House of Israel Vol. 1: The Return (10 CDs), Robert Marcum
House of Israel Vol. 2: Land Divided (12 CDs), Robert Marcum
House of Israel Vol. 3: A New Dawn (9 CDs), Robert Marcum
Wake Me When It's Over (4 CDs), Robison E. Wells
The Counterfeit (4 CDs), Robison E. Wells
Race Against Time (4 Cassettes), Willard Boyd Gardner
Pursuit of Justice (3 Cassettes), Willard Boyd Gardner
Because Sunday is Special (1 DVD), Covenant
(My daughter Sarah is the voice of the Older sister and my son Mike is one of the kids in the primary class. My part was cut, but I was the announcer mouse)
CD-ROM Games
Hidden Treasures of the Book of Mormon (CD-ROM), Val Chadwick Bagley
I did all the vocal sound effects for this (doors creaking, water dripping, seagulls, dolphin, sheep camels, background people)
1 year vocal training (classical) William Ashmore, PhD
Lance Williams Associated Latter-day Media Artists
Christopher Robin Miller. Professional Actors Consortium