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Devon Fogarty
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Devon Fogarty
Inspired by the voices of Disney announcers. Dreaming of following in the footsteps of Jack Wagner, Bill Rogers and a little Mark Elliot!
Last online6 years ago
Devon Fogarty
Inspired by the voices of Disney announcers. Dreaming of following in the footsteps of Jack Wagner, Bill Rogers and a little Mark Elliot!
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:45 - Total samples: 1
Voice over demo with one singining clip
Devon Fogarty - 1:45
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About Devon
Member sinceDec 13, 2005
LocationPortland, ME, USA (GMT -4)
I concider my voice to be quite versatile, able to produce a wide range of vocal color depending what my copy calls for. Even in natureal speaking voice tones to customers at work or friends and family, I always get that inspiring statement "man you really have a voice for radio", let alone what I feel I am capable of when focused on a project. I always have found it most fun to use that big stadium style announcer voice though, the kind of sound that fires up the home town before the game, or other rich deep sounding "characters" (not in the sense of cartoon characters, just different varriations on my natual tone) like the voice of all the movie prieviews, or that dark, sarcastic villian and that over-confident hero.
Though all those kind of jobs are fun, it is also always a nice change of pace to slow down sometimes and do more straight pitch stuff, documentaries, books on tape, and coorperate narrations are always interesting becuase it lets me sound like I'm the expert on subject i often have no idea what I'm talking about.
Basically, I'm ready and willing to mold my voice into whatever a client is looking for.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Portland, ME, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
I am just one online course away from finishing up my AS in Radio Broadcasting at the New England Institute of Art in Brookline, MA. During my time in school I was given countless assignments in which we would voice and produce our own work in real life situations. We did everything from short radio station bumpers,to television commercials of every style and voice to longer pieces such as documentaries and industrial copy. I also was fortunate to be my old High School's Varsity Basketball (and later baseball) announcer, that later lead to my first professional gig as the announcer for a college basketball game. Since I am fresh out of College, I may not have as much professional experiace as my fellow voice actors yet. But I am looking forward to developing my craft with any client who is looking for a new voice in town, ready to make your copy dance off the page and come to life.
I am completely trained in the Adobe Audition editing software, and becuse of the fluentcy in this voice over standard, am able to self learn any other simmilar non-linnear editing program, including but not limited to pro-tools.
My Radio Broadcasting major included extencive classes in Voice and Articulation, Vocal Actiing, digital radio production (and even can do basic edits using aincient analog methods...the good ol' cut and splice!) and I am also trained in how to properly work a microphone to better avoid "mouth sounds"
In addition to my school's project oriented production assignments, we also take classes in proper copy writing, so not only can I voice and produce the spot, If the client desires, I can assist in writing the copy as well. I offer a very creative mind that can develop useful and snappy copy.
I also have spent 4 months working with Disney as part of the WDW college internship program. My time was spent in the Haunted Mansion as a ride operator/"performer" at the Magic Kingdom.
I also have a most rewarding theater backround, be it performing in shows such as "Beauty and the Beast" (Gaston) and "Jesus Christ Superstar" (Caiaphas), watching the latest smash hit in Boston, or soon to be directing a local production of "Cabaret", there has always been a passionate place in my heart for the arts.