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Derrick Watkins
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Derrick Watkins
Melodic, Professional, Sexy Baritone, Soothing
Last online8 years ago
Derrick Watkins
Melodic, Professional, Sexy Baritone, Soothing
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:18 - Total samples: 4
Laguna By SeaRay
Derrick Watkins - 1:18
Somber - Vine Assisted Living
Derrick Watkins - 1:09
Serious Narrative
Derrick Watkins - 0:58
High Energy Commercial - Franklin Park
Derrick Watkins - 0:51
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About Derrick
Member sinceAug 11, 2006
LocationVirginia Beach, VA, USA (GMT -4)
I have a smooth tenor/baritone voice that can sound very funny, serious, sexy and professional. I do extensive public speaking and keep audiences engaged while doing so. I sing quite a bit and enjoy testing my voice range while doing so...I've constantly been complimented on the sound of my voice as well as my vocal clarity. I do an English and South African accent and can do a Southern style of accent also.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
South African, Caribbean
Experience, training, and equipment
I was born in Rome, Georgia and graduated from East Rome High School in 1983 with honors with academic and athletic letters. I enlisted in the United States Navy and served as an Electrician’s Mate in the Nuclear Power Program until awarded a 4-year Naval ROTC scholarship to attend Georgia Tech in 1984. I participated in the Georgia Power Company Cooperative Education Program working alternate quarters also during my career at Georgia Tech as well as participating in Navy ROTC and with the Fellowship of Christian Believers, a dynamic Bible study and choir ensemble. On September 1, 1990, after graduation and commissioning, I married Donna Jean Toomer, a dual degree graduate of Spelman College and graduate of Georgia Tech with a Masters in Environmental Engineering. We now live in Virginia Beach, VA (16 years) and have three wonderful daughters (Rachel –13, Danielle – 9, Jessica – 5).
I began acting approximately 8 years ago, enrolling in a beginning acting course taught by Sylvia Harman of the Actors Place in Virginia Beach. After spending two years in the class I began to work with local agents doing various commercial, film, theatre and print jobs and believe it important to continue training up to this day. I have extensive work experience; expanding on my technical, management and sales background to bring a well-rounded perspective to the acting craft. My desire is to represent, with passion, a positive perspective of life in all roles portrayed – always expecting humanity to be liberated in its perspective, challenged in its goals and empowered to achieve anything within its God-given purpose. I’m currently acting full-time and look to expand my work in the Los Angeles, CA and New York, NY markets in addition to the Mid-Atlantic region where I perform the majority of my work.
I came to know Jesus Christ as a teenager in high school during the summer of 1980 and have worked extensively with different organizations in the areas of youth ministry, drama, music and administration. My ministry desire is to use acting, music and public speaking to further the knowledge of Christ as a dynamic package – bringing passion to ministry, a love of Jesus Christ to the arts, and a reality to humanity that the purpose of all things begins and is thus fulfilled in Christ.
· Elite Mentoring Program – Toni Suttie, Integrity Casting, Los Angeles, CA, Reno, NV, San Francisco, CA (1 year)
· Meisner Technique & Advanced Scene Study - Sylvia Harman, The Actors Place, VA Beach, VA (4 years)
· “You Can Bank On Your Voice” Voice Over Seminars – R. Saulsberry, President, Tom Dor Publishing, Los Angeles, CA
· On-Camera Commercial Techniques (Advanced) - Tom Logan, Tom Logan Seminars, Los Angeles, CA
Pro Tools 7.4
Special Skills:
Excellent Caribbean, South African & Southern U. S. Accent, Ex-Military (Officer & Enlisted)-Desert Storm Vet & Qualified Submariner, Motivational Speaker, Singer (baritone voice), Percussionist (full drum set), Hip Hop Dancer, Football, Baseball, Swimming, Basketball, Photography, Racquetball, Piano & Keyboards, Excellent Roller Skater, Certified Personal Trainer & Aerobics Instructor, Teleprompter