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Debra Cole
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Debra Cole
Warm, Friendly, Honest, Deep, and Interesting.
Last online5 years ago
Debra Cole
Warm, Friendly, Honest, Deep, and Interesting.
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:19 - Total samples: 3
Commercial Demo
Debra Cole - 0:52
Legal disclaimers
Debra Cole - 0:38
Narration Demo
Debra Cole - 0:48
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About Debra
Member sinceFeb 15, 2008
My voice can best be described as honest, healthy, and reassuring. The tone of my voice is deep, smooth and warm. It can also be bright and exciting, depending, of course, on the project you've hired me to do. As a trained actor, my voice goes where my thoughts, body language and emotions take it.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
I'm really good with the English language...North American Style.
Experience, training, and equipment
My voice over experience all began in radio - morning drive time - where I was once awarded one of Billboard magazine's Personalities of the Year. My voice over jobs have included work for AT&T, Southwest Airlines, AARP, Dell, National Instruments, John Deere, US Weekly Magazine, National Academy of Sciences, Land Rover, and many more. I have also voiced characters for computer games including Trivial Pursuit, Ultima IX, and Wishbone Odyssey.
My voice over coaching has been with some of the best in the business and I still train! Most recently I completed an intensive voice over workshop in San Diego, California with James Alburger and Penny Abshire. I have also trained with Dick Orkin and I have had years of improvisation training including with the late Avery Schreiver. In Austin, the majority of my training has been with veteran coach Mona Lee.
Snowball microphone and access to ISDN lines at 3 Austin studios.
My improv training comes in extremely handy in voice performing.