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Dean Mitchell
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Dean Mitchell
Friend, Foe, Sad, Happy, Announcer, News, Cartoon
Last online17 years ago
Dean Mitchell
Friend, Foe, Sad, Happy, Announcer, News, Cartoon
Last online17 years ago
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About Dean
Member sinceAug 26, 2006
Some say, "Dick Orkin."
Some say, "William Shatner."
Perhaps they're kidding???
For the most part, my voice is real... comforting, inviting and friendly.
I've sold flowers to the ladies and snow machines to the boys.
I also get a kick out of creating character voices. Whether it's for a goofy animated short geared toward my 7 year old nephew or a gore filled video game aimed at my 20-something neighbor.
From Christian book stores to traveling male strippers. I have, and will, voice spots for anything.... Challenge me.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Experience, training, and equipment
The bulk of my voice work experience comes from a small radio station in Alaska. I am the stations Production Director and Imaging Voice.
My voice has been featured on radio and television, answering machines and in short films and movie trailers.
I have voiced the creature noises, the victim's screams and the part of the radio announcer for the Chad Carpenter full feature film "Frostbite."
I grew up imitating cartoon characters, newscasters and sketch comedy actors.
I acted in high school and listened to a lot of rock radio.
In 1994 I attended the Recording Workshop, for audio production, in Ohio and gained production skills galore.
I've written and produced short films, radio programs, (thousands of) radio spots and even a few television spots.
I'm easy to work with and I always enjoy what I'm doing.