Voice acting alone, my experience is minor seeing as I left education in 2009 and have strived to get myself finacially stable first before anything else.
Now that I am, I wish to chase my dream head on and just enjoy the experiences I recieve.
I have studied drama since I was a child and loved every moment of it.
I did Drama GCSE with a 'D' result
A-Level with a 'B'
Foundation degree in Theatre Studies at Northbrook college with an 'A' result
and finally my Bacholor of Arts Degree with a 2-1 but because my written work let me down I recieved a 2-2
As you can see I developed a lot over the years and dont want it to stop!
Throughout my years within theatre whether it be during school plays or studying my BA Degree I have always endevoured to create single, definitive characters that reflect a strong perception of truth, which has never been easy. But through this goal I have become a perfectionist in all areas of character building.
currently I just have my windows XP Dell PC with the Power sound editor program installed.
The microphone I use is a Tunmic35 microphone with no breath guard however it can pick me up quite clearly.
It can be sensetive to noise so I need to record when my house mate is not at home because he's not a quiet person unfortunatly.
I know how to amplify or reduce sound if needed, reduce noise reduction, crop, cut and paste, edit tempo, and echo.
Use fades and reverbs. This is all on my sound editor software.
Life experience is the main additional skill I have acquired. During my time in University I have learnt how to analyse and pick apart traits on almost everything whether it be voice overs on adverts, off films, TV, radio even in live performances.
I like to "people watch". It allows me to create unique characters by taking traits off people I meet everywhere I go and see exactly how other people react to certain situations rather than how I THINK they will react.