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Dave Temple
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Dave Temple
Real, Warm, Fun & Friendly.
Last online12 years ago
Dave Temple
Real, Warm, Fun & Friendly.
Last online12 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 10:25 - Total samples: 7
Commercial Demo
Dave Temple - 1:22
Animation Voices
Dave Temple - 2:14
On-Hold Messaging
Dave Temple - 1:28
Dave Temple - 2:03
Radio IDs
Dave Temple - 1:29
Dave Temple - 1:18
British Accent
Dave Temple - 0:26
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About Dave
Member sinceJul 5, 2005
LocationCharlotte, NC, USA (GMT -4)
Looking for an friendly and inviting voice? Need someone to create authority, while remaining approachable? Good timing for well written comedy.
Professional and direct for Corporate Narration, warm and friendly for On-Hold Messaging, Character-driven for Audiobooks, Bold & crass, or friendly and professional for Radio/TV Imaging, and All-Around-Real-Guy for Commercials.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Charlotte, NC, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Experience, training, and equipment
Television, Radio, Film Trailers, Disneyland Theme Parks, Audiobooks, Internet Podcasting, On-hold messaging, In-Store Monitors, Educational, Industrial and Corporate Narrations; you name it--I've voiced it.
ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, SPEED CHANNEL, HGTV, QVC, INSP, TFC, TLC, DISCOVERY, iLIFE TV, MUZAK have all been, or are now, my clients.
I've worked with TV Networks, Film Companies, large corporations, and more. With more than 25 years of experience, including personal training with The Groundlings (LA), Susan Blu's Animation Workshops (LA), The LA Loop Group and more.
Intel-based Mac computer. Rhode, M-Audio and Sennheiser microphones. Mackie board.
From screenplays, novels, and short stories to commercials, educational programs and more, I've had wonderful opportunities to help create campaigns that drive the vocal narrative. Writing is my second gift; so, if you need assistance in creating the perfect script, describing your product, please allow me to help.