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Daniel M Miller
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Daniel M Miller
Last online3 years ago
Daniel M Miller
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
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Duration: 1:29 - Total samples: 1
Daniel M Miller (2015)10
Daniel M Miller - 1:29
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About Daniel
Member sinceDec 2, 2014
LocationNew York, NY, USA (GMT -4)
Sincere, friendly, family man, blue collar, character
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Jobs for these unions signatories
Experience, training, and equipment
2015_09Sep: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2015_07July Hugh Klitzke's "Demo Production" Workshop
2015_06June: Character & Animation V/O Technique with Paul Liberti (Actors Connection)
2015_04April: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2015_02Feb: Lawton Paseka's "Commercial Voiceover" Workshop (SAG Foundation)
2015_01Jan: Paul Liberti's "Contemporary Commercial Voiceover Techniques" (SAG Foundation)
2014_11Nov: Joan Bogden's "Your Voiceover Website" Workshop (SAG Foundation)
2014_01Jan: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_12Dec: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_11Nov: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_10Oct: Breath and Voice: Vocal Health, Technique & the Creative Connection Panelists: Dr. Linda Dahl, Catherine Fitzmaurice, Kristen Linklater, Deric Rosenblatt(SAG Foundation)
2013_10Oct: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_08Aug: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_07July: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_06June: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_04A:April Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_03Mar: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_02Feb: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2013_01Jan: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2012_12Dec: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2012_11Nov: Brilliant Sr. Voiceovers Bootcamp for Commercial Voiceover w/Debbie Brilliant
2012_06June: Book Narration: Storytelling for Actors (SAG Foundation) - Panel Includes: Mike Charzuk (Host, Executive Producer for Audible and lead producer of spokenword entertainment), Scott Brick (Top audiobook narrator, winner of over 40 Earphones Awards and has performed for film/tv/radio), Katherine Kellgren (Top audiobook narrator, 2008 AudioFile Magazine's Best Voice of the Year), Jason Ojalvo (Vice President, Audible)
2012_06June: Inside The Voiceover Biz Panel Includes: Joan Baker (Host, Author of Secrets of Voiceover Success, Top Vo Talent), Rodd Houston (Top Vo Talent, Verizon Fios, NFL on CBS, The NBA on ESPN),
Karen Jacobsen (Top Vo Talent, Voice of the GPS System), Billy Serrow (Voiceover Commercial Division, Abrams Artists Agency), Donna Deseta (President, Donna Deseta Casting), Rudy Gaskins (Chief Creative Officer, Push Creative Advertising), Dave Maciolek (Director, A&E International , Marketing), Jason Sasportas (Head of the Voice-over Department, Stewart Talent New York)
2012_06June Voices Over New York: Inside The Voiceover Biz
2012_06June: Book Narration: Storytelling for Actors
2010_06June: Voxpertise -Audiobook Express with Robin Miles