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Daman Mills
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Daman Mills
Smooth, Versatile, Characters, Warm, Exciting
Last online6 years ago
Daman Mills
Smooth, Versatile, Characters, Warm, Exciting
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:08 - Total samples: 1
Character Demo Reel
Daman Mills - 1:08
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About Daman
Member sinceAug 3, 2012
My voice is quite versatile in the way I can throw it for a specific gig. My natural voice is moderate in pitch, more of your typical young adult sound that could be used for a mature sounding protagonist. Using this sound, I could also give you that "boy-next-door" quality, or try to sensually lure a potential buyer into purchasing a product. Or I can ratchet up excitement for the latest and best your company has to offer.
I can raise it a tad to go for a more youthful sound to that of a fretful take-along companion or a peppy narrator promoting the latest toys! Raising it higher gives me a range more fitting of silly characters, a small-in-stature antagonist, whiny brat-ish characters, or whatever else you may have in mind.
But that's not all! Thankfully, I have a very rich, lower register that can be used as many different types of narration; to give off a suspenseful vibe, make the read much more interesting to the listener, among other directions. I have been often cast as deep, gravelly monstrous characters, brutish warriors, the wise elder character, or the dark intimidating villain.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
I can perform a more typical British accent, along with a southern, more Texan dialect. Mainly I am proficient in a North American approach to most roles.
I am able to do a lot of various impersonation, mainly deriving from the world of Anime. I am mostly known for having a similar voice to type vocal talents Dameon Clarke and Crispin Freeman. Typically if a certain impression is needed, I'll give it a listen and see if it matches my vocal type and give it a whirl.
Characterizations I am best at are more villainous and sadistic roles, effectively changing into a cold tyrant, a vicious monster, or a cocky upstart. I've recently been dabbling in more heroic roles, which are much more natural and warm to listen to.
Experience, training, and equipment
My most recent accomplishment to date is being placed within the Top 8 of Behind The Voice Actor's "Act Your Voice Out" competition, which required us to provide lines of given challenges. It was sponsored by well known voice talents (Kyle Hebert, Yuri Lowenthal & Tara Platt). I won out over 200 entries to enter the Top 16 Finalists.
I have been gathering more attention as of late by professionals from FUNimation Entertainment, namely Wendy Powell who recognized my talent and feels I would make a great addition to their talent list. Currently I am in the works of presenting my demo to them and would love to gain more experience in the meantime.
Also, my YouTube account has over 1,000 subscribers for solely my voice work alone, and I work consistently with various projects to keep myself busy and improving.
Typically I will do work for amateur anime, cartoon, and video game dubbing. I've recently been approached to do Machinima projects, and I have been done roles in Abridged series' as well.
Currently, I have no training or education besides my experience gained doing amateur work. I would love to take classes and expand my knowledge but currently my area has a lack of the seminars I need to further my career.
But don't let this dissuade you from my talent! It by no means hinders my ability to give you the read you're looking for!
I own a Blue Yeti USB microphone at this time.
I want any client to be aware I am a very dedicated and hard worker, and I am open to any new ideas and to crafting the absolute perfect voice for your project.
I look forward to working with you in the future!