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Cody Comeaux
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Cody Comeaux
Authoritative, Cajun, Comedic, Characters, DEEP
Last online5 years ago
Cody Comeaux
Authoritative, Cajun, Comedic, Characters, DEEP
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:04 - Total samples: 2
Narration Demo
Cody Comeaux - 1:47
Commercial VO Demo
Cody Comeaux - 1:16
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About Cody
Member sinceOct 5, 2014
I own a business for producing Professional Voiceovers called: Cody Comeaux Creations and it has an A+ accreditation from the Better Business Bureau.
-Good Pitch Instincts and Positive Energy.
-DEEP and POWERFUL voice, which will engage anyone with the sense of hearing to drop everything they are doing, to listen to me.
-I naturally have Experienced Authority in my voice, which is great for tour-guiding, giving instructions, and teaching, in a FUN way.
*** Because I am an experienced stand-up comedian, that will make you laugh, if wanted.
-When Relaxed, my Warm reading style is Approachable and Inviting for everyone to gather around to listen to a nice, long story or Documentary.
-Create a Character Voice? Easy/fun for me to do.
-Create a commercial jingle? Easy/fun for me to do.
Skills and services offered
English - Other
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Cajun Louisiana, Neutral, Announcer voice, Radio Voice, Texas, Alabama, Comedian-Mitch Hedberg, Very low-pitched or very high-pitched, comedic, erotic, creation of an infinite amount of cartoon voices, the overly proper Caucasian voice, typical elderly man voice, homosexual voice, super masculine voice, etc....
Creation and usage of any accent, dialect, and impersonation is my personal favorite, that I have always practiced, to make everyone laugh, since my early teen years.
Experience, training, and equipment
-Drama classes in middle school.
-Class Clown of my Senior High School graduating class of 2003.
-Age 16 - 20, I worked at a movie theater and always made coworkers, management, and customers laugh, by creating voices and impersonating several characters, including Sponge-bob Square-pants.
-I later became a Marketing Manager of a group of 20 or so individuals, where I ran meetings every morning and taught the marketing system to new starts. Also teaching experienced workers how to train new starts.
-I am the oldest child, with 8 younger siblings, which also naturally gives an authoritative tone in my voice, being that I am the one they all look up to.
-I've performed several Stand-up Comedy shows for crowds.
-I became disabled from a car accident in 2009, and have given motivational speeches to several groups of people, including group therapy.
I am the owner of Cody Comeaux Creations, for Voiceovers, Acting, Videography, Comedy, and film making. My business is fully accredited by the Better Business Bureau of Greater Houston and South Texas with an A+ rating.
-I was a student of Such A Voice. I had a personal voiceover coach, and I recorded 2 professionally produced VO demos. Commercial & Narration.
-2 1/2 years education of neurology, coping skills, mental illnesses, pharmaceutical drugs, etc.
-Singing in front of live crowds for shows.
-Performing Stand-up Comedy shows.
-Education on Directing, Producing, Writing, Acting, and editing visual and audio, for short films and comedy sketches.
-Marketing Manager
Condenser Microphone with Pop filter on mic stand. Quietly insulated with high-quality urethane. I have several audio/video creation and editing programs, that I am highly experienced at using, such as Audacity, Adobe Premiere Elements 12, FL Studio 10, etc..
I am experienced in music creation and production, along with sound effects. Stand-Up Comedian. Singer.