Years of experience: 25+ years
Worked in radio since 1988 as a DJ, Program Director, Music Director and currently as a Morning Show Co-Host for 96.5 WTIC FM's "Craig & Company" in Hartford, Connecticut.
Commercial announcements include: McGraw-Hill educational books-on-tape, Sprint & AT&T telephone prompts in English & Italian, 100's of local radio & tv ads, 96.5 TIC FM station promos, comedy voices and more...
University of Nebraska graduate with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Spent 18 years in Europe as an Air Force "Brat". Lived in Italy, England, Germany, Turkey, Greece and Spain where Christine honed her language and broadcast skills with Armed Forces Television and Radio.
Home Studio:
Rodes NT-1a Microphone
MacBook Pro
MoblePre M-Audio interface
Also have daily access to a professional broadcast studio featuring EV-RE 20 microphones.
Speak Italian and Spanish semi-fluently with native accents.