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Chelsea Vincent
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Chelsea Vincent
The Engaging, Fresh Voice
Last online5 years ago
Chelsea Vincent
The Engaging, Fresh Voice
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:31 - Total samples: 3
Chelsea Vincent - 0:23
Chelsea Vincent - Corporate Sample
Chelsea Vincent - 0:44
Chelsea Vincent - Commercial Demo 2018
Chelsea Vincent - 1:22
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About Chelsea
Member sinceNov 27, 2016
LocationAustin, TX, USA (GMT -5)
Before transitioning to voice over work, I was a theatre actress, and I also spent years doing film and television. Plenty of people have a pleasant-sounding voice, but without a genuine connection to the audience, that's not enough. I bring both to the table.
I am always willing to think (and work) outside the box, and I am easily-directable, well-prepared, efficient, pleasant, and professional. I have worked for major brands and small, local businesses alike, and I bring my best to everything I work on.
My key voice descriptors are friendly, upbeat, youthful, fun, engaging, warm, conversational, excited, authentic, personable, positive, vivacious, intelligent, uplifting, trustworthy, confident, sincere, real, genuine, relaxed, casual, sensitive, informative, inspired, aspirational, inspirational, patient, knowing, caring, natural, professional, experienced, intellectual, informative, approachable, tech-savvy, inviting, polished, welcoming, feminine, clear, sparkly, shiny, sweet, innocent, kind, hip, cool, bright, bubbly, fresh, emotional, hip, sympathetic, gen x, gen-x, gen y, gen-y, generation x, generation y, millenial, US, West Coast, California, Portland, southern, country, Texas, Austin, middle-aged, middle aged, young adult, narrator, nurse, business woman.
Conversely, my voice has been described as authoritative, anthemic, empowered, resolute, sexy, raspy, rasp, smooth, bold, gritty, grit, grizzly, growl, gravely, gravel, sultry, husky, texture, urban, seductive, sensual, mysterious, badass, drill sergeant.
My voice is similar to those of Kristen Bell, Rachel McAdams, Emma Stone, Scarlett Johansson, Alyson Hannigan.
I look forward to collaborating with you!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Remote live direction
Source Connect
Austin, TX, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Standard American, Southern (Texas, Mississippi, general), New York, French, Russian, Italian, German, British (RP, Cockney, Northern England)
Experience, training, and equipment
Elaine Craig
Nancy Wolfson
Carroll Day Kimball
Scott Holst
Dino Andrade
Natalie Baker Shirer
Carnegie Mellon University (BFA – Acting)
Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA)
I am trained and proficient in IPA transcription, accents, and dialects. 10+ years of theatrical training and on-camera experience.
I have worked with a range of clients, including Sony, Facebook, Google, Honda, HEB, the Los Angeles Police Department, the Yume Project, the Entertainment Technology Center, and beyond.
Professional home studio includes:
*Sennheiser MKH416
*Live, remote directed sessions, via Source Connect or phone patch (via Skype)