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Charles Chism
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Charles Chism
Warm, Conversational, Friendly, Informative
Last online16 years ago
Charles Chism
Warm, Conversational, Friendly, Informative
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:29 - Total samples: 2
Charles Chism - 1:14
Charles Chism - 1:14
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About Charles
Member sinceSep 26, 2007
Charles has been described as having a tonal quality that is rich with warmth and calming reassurance, well suited for professional and instructional narrations or commercials requiring a smooth sound.
Charles is equally able to harden and deepen the tone for dramatic and commanding presentations.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
Charles' voice talent experience comes from being thrust in front of audiences from early childhood simply because I was articulate and not afraid to speak.
In his youth Charles participated and placed well in several oratorical contests, spoke frequently before church congregations and performed off-stage voice overs for plays.
In college Charles continued that trend as well as being the voice for an instructional CD used to assist new students on how to connect to Northeastern University's computer network.
Charles auditioned for and was selected to perform the part of Reverend James Pennington for the Connecticut Historical Society's Amistad exhibit, by way of City Stage in Boston.
Charles' initial voice training was in public speaking.
Charles continued to use his voice in singing with various choirs and choruses the, West Philadelphia Men's Chorus, the Kuumba singers of Harvard, Voices of Imani and the Berea Inspirational Choir of Boston.
In 2003 Charles sought formal training and was selected to participate in a voice-over master's course from Such-A-Voice.
Charles has an active career in computer technology and a degree in engineering. Science and technology are something of a passion for me. On occasion Charles is required to give professional presentations.
In other areas of life Charles finds that often he has to be ready at a moments notice as he's been asked to come up with and tell impromptu stories for the children's segment at his church.