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Carrie Berk
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Carrie Berk
Versatile kid and teen voice over actress; jingles and animation; warm, bubbly, genuine
Last online7 years ago
Carrie Berk
Versatile kid and teen voice over actress; jingles and animation; warm, bubbly, genuine
Last online7 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:27 - Total samples: 1
Carrie Berk VO commercial reel
Carrie Berk - 1:27
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About Carrie
Member sinceDec 8, 2016
LocationNew York, NY, USA (GMT -4)
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
New York, NY, USA
Experience, training, and equipment
Represented by Carson-Adler Talent as well as PDR Voiceover
Have done numerous baking tutorials online; blogs; recent bookings include Good Morning America and Harry Connick Show
NYMF “Camp Rolling Hills” Principal The Pearl Theatre Company
Rockers on Broadway 2015, 2016 Vocalist Le Poisson Rouge
New York Pops Spring Gala 2016, 2017 Vocalist Carnegie Hall
FutureFest 2016, 2017 Soloist 54 Below
Lyrics for Life Soloist Symphony Space
Tim Janis, An American Christmas Carol Vocalist Carnegie Hall
This Way To Broadway Live Principal actor/singer Symphony Space, Marjorie S. Dean Theatre
A Time to Shine: Young Broadway Talent Soloist Laurie Beechman Theatre
When I Grow Up Cabaret Soloist Triad Theatre
A Silver Screen Cabaret Soloist Triad Theatre
A Pulitzer Musical Cabaret Soloist The West End Lounge
Romeo & Juliet Young Juliet Dances Patrelle
The Yorkville Nutcracker Clara (lead) Dances Patrelle
Wonderama Segment host TV variety show/CW Network
This Way To Broadway pilot Principal TW2B Multimedia/Thommie Retter
Fairy Godfriend Featured actor FLAMA Digital Network / FLAMA TV
Choose Kindness (National Campaign) Actor Disney Channel
GMA “Celebrity Pokémon Go” skit Actor Good Morning America/ABC TV
Harry Connick, Jr. “Halloween episode” Extra The Harry Connick, Jr. Show
New York Fashion Week Model Nancy Vuu (2015-2017 spring and fall)
NY Children’s Fashion Week Model Sally Miller Couture. 2016
Additional modeling commercial credits available upon requests.
Bob Marks, Vocal Coach 2013- present
Trapper Felides, Vocal/Performance Coach 2015-present
Thommie Retter, Tap Coach 2015-present
Lauren “Coco” Cohen, Voiceover/Acting Coach 2016-present
Musical Theatre:
Triple Arts Summer Intensive 2014-2015
Broadway Artists Alliance Intensives (vocal major) 2015-present
Camp Broadway 2015-present
Broadway Youth Ensemble 2015-present
Ballet Academy East Pre-professional program 2004-2015
Broadway Dance Center
(ballet, jazz, pointe, musical theater, lyrical) 2015-present
Recanati-Kaplan Program for Excellence 2015-2016
Merit Scholarship in Dance
Harkness Jazz Competition Team 2015-present
Dancing en pointe; tap dancing; speaking Spanish; published author (Cupcake Club and Fashion Academy, bestselling children’s book series); professional public speaking and presentation skills; experienced in
TV interviews (Nightline, Good Morning America—clips available upon request).