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Carey Jones
Carey Jones
James Earl Jones & Dean Martin/Nat King Cole songs
Last online21 days ago
Carey Jones
James Earl Jones & Dean Martin/Nat King Cole songs
Last online21 days ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 9:09 - Total samples: 10
Docudrama Narrator - robust
Carey Jones - 0:30
Docudrama narrator - details
Carey Jones - 0:42
Bird CD narrator
Carey Jones - 1:01
Dean Martin-Marshmallow World
Carey Jones - 0:37
National Park tour
Carey Jones - 1:00
Appalachian storyteller
Carey Jones - 3:05
Docudrama narrator - funeral
Carey Jones - 0:27
Public Service Video narrator
Carey Jones - 0:35
General Sherman character
Carey Jones - 0:54
Old Husband character
Carey Jones - 0:14
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About Carey
Member sinceNov 16, 2005
LocationKnoxville, TN, USA (GMT -4)
Warm and deep for narrations - James Earl Jones
Smooth and professional for presentations - Leonard Nimoy
Breathy and weepy for heavy emotions - Priest in prayer
Sharp and raspy for fun - W.C. Fields
Sings like Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, and Righteous Brother - Bill Medley
Skills and services offered
English - Other
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Knoxville, TN, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Straight American English,
Slight or heavy Southern U.S.accent,
British accent
Experience, training, and equipment
Narrator -
>90 minute tour of Cades Cove - Great Smoky Mts. National Park.
>Saint Joseph College: A Triumph of Faith - 2 hour Docudrama
>Bird Songs of the Smoky Mountains - 2 CD set
>School Choice Scholarships - 7 minute video promo
>mega church musical productions
Storyteller -
> A Smoky Mountain Ghost Story podcast
Singer -
>Dean Martin - for huggable child's Christmas toy
>Nat King Cole
>Johnny Mathis
Characters -
>General Sherman and 2 Southerners in Civil War documentary
>old husband
Commercials -
>The University of Tennessee
>St. Mary's Medical Center
SAG eligible
25 years an actor, singer, and voice for theatre, film, radio, and television
Master of Arts in Education
Snowball Pro Podcast Microphone
Cool Edit Pro Syntrillium Software
Baritone Soloist Guitar Player
Preacher/Teacher Park Ranger Naturalist
Firearms Qualified Swimmer & Runner
Wildland Firefighter Basketball Coach