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Brian von Dedenroth
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Brian von Dedenroth
Glib, guys guy, dad, trustworthy, spokesperson
Last online6 years ago
Brian von Dedenroth
Glib, guys guy, dad, trustworthy, spokesperson
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 16:20 - Total samples: 8
Brian von Dedenroth - 2:01
Brian von Dedenroth - 1:27
Brian von Dedenroth - 2:11
Brian von Dedenroth - 3:35
Brian von Dedenroth - 1:09
Museums and Tours
Brian von Dedenroth - 2:17
Corporate Narration
Brian von Dedenroth - 1:29
Medical and Technical
Brian von Dedenroth - 2:07
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About Brian
Member sinceDec 5, 2005
LocationPortland, OR, USA (GMT -7)
Warm trustworthy fatherly voice, authoritative teacher or scientist, professional spokesperson business executive, glib and sarcastic male, every day guy, frenetic fast reading high energy reads
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Portland, OR, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Accents: Irish, Southern, French
old man, prospector, vampire
Alan Alda, Jim Henson, Ray Romano
Experience, training, and equipment
Narrator and Host The Winemakers of PBS
Live TV spokesperson NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox
Narrator and Host Another Shade of Blue Travel Show
Narrator and Host Outrepreneur: Outdoor Entrepreneurs
Narrator and Host Amtrak Pacific Surfliner: Time Warner
Live speaker and Physicians Committee for Responsbile Medicine.
Morning Show DJ; KSDT
Evening News; Reporter; KPFA
Various Internet, Internal Business, and Radio Narration Spots
Film: Full Circle Productions, TVI Actors Studio, Hollywood Actors Studio, Ed Hooks
Theatre: American Conservatory Theatre, Bay Area Theatre Sports, Larry Moss Studio
Voice Over: Voice Trax, The Voice Factory, Compost Productions, Pat Fraley, William Willams: Aliso Creek, Dan Balestrero, Nancy Wolfson, Mick Wingert
MBA: San Diego State University
BA Psychology/BS Biology: UC San Diego
Sennheiser MKH 416 Shotgun
Macbook Pro
RME Babyface Pro
Toastmasters International, National Speakers Association, SAG Bookpal Reader, Reading for the blind and dyslexic, Lighthouse for the blind TV voice, Librivox, Conversational Spanish