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Brian Roberts
Brian Roberts
Friendly Guy Next Door...or maybe a doctor
Last online9 hours ago
Response time3 hours
Brian Roberts
Friendly Guy Next Door...or maybe a doctor
Response time3 hours
Last online9 hours ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:05 - Total samples: 8
Commercial Demo
Brian Roberts - 1:31
Narration Demo
Brian Roberts - 1:26
British Accent
Brian Roberts - 0:18
Characters Demo
Brian Roberts - 0:31
Car Dealership
Brian Roberts - 0:30
Trailer Narration for Got Horror TTRPG Kickstarter
Brian Roberts - 0:34
PGA Benefits VO
Brian Roberts - 0:52
Medical Narration
Brian Roberts - 0:22
Reviews (14)
1 year ago
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Brian Roberts10 months ago
Thank You!!
1 year ago
Flag review
I have worked with Brian for years. Very professional, responsive, trustworthy and extremely talented. Highly, highly recommend.
Brian Roberts10 months ago
Teri is the BEST! Thanks so much for some truly rewarding, though-provoking work!
2 years ago
Flag review
Reliable, professional, great voice.
Brian Roberts2 years ago
Thank you!
Top 10%of voice actors
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Median response time is calculated on responses in the last 6 months.
The average review rating will be calculated after 5 verified reviews.
47 Bookings9 in the last 12 months9 in the last year
This number only shows Bookings completed on Voice123. It might not be a complete reflection of the voice actor's work.
43 clientsbooked this voice actorbooked
This is the number of clients that booked this voice actor on Voice123.
1075 clientsfavorited this profilefavorites
About Brian
Member sinceJun 25, 2005
LocationLos Angeles, CA, USA (GMT -7)
Email: Text: +1 310-597-8139 Studio: +1 909-287-3389
I truly love voiceovers. I have the ability to do all types of work from the "Classic Announcer" to "Young punk" and anywhere in between! "Friendly caucasian guy next door" is my bread and butter.
Accents are my true love, though. I am able to perform many accents convincingly such as: English (Oxford "High-society"), English (Cockney "Blue-collar"), French, Russian, Texan (cowboy), New Yorker (Gangster).
I am very creative with my voice and can do many comical sounds that are regularly used for cartoons.
I am highly professional and take my voice-over work seriously, however, I am a lot of fun to work with because I like to have fun with my work. I give 110% in both my acting and the production of my spots.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
English - Australian
English - Other
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Phone patch
Remote live direction
Source Connect
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Texan, British "Cockney",
British "Oxford",
Experience, training, and equipment
2 voices in the 20th Century Fox Animated Feature Film "Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer": Leader of the Pack and Sun Fish
Voice of the French's Mustard "The Color of American Flavor"commercial.
Voice of Rooms to Go: large furniture chain on the East Coast and in Texas.
Voice for National Touring Company of Billy Elliott the Musical
Voice for National Touring Company of Shrek the Musical
Voice for National Touring Company of Peter Pan the Musical
Voice of "Junior Finger" in the Butterfinger Web-Series called "The Fingers"!
The Voice of "Goodwill Radio" (voicing In-Store Music programs in over 1000 Goodwill stores across the country)
Radio commercial for SmartCard bus Tickets in Southern California.
Animated Sales Brochure for Rodale Magazines (publishers of Men's Health, Women's Health, Bicycling, & Prevention magazines)
Website intro for "The 20 Club", a network marketing organization.
Radio Commercial for Hinton Laurenzo Mortgage.
Over 100 Self-help Audiobooks for Xodo, Inc.
Phone Messages for Toner Pirate, Goodwill Industries, Fisher Design Group, and many more.
Was selected for and graduated from the coveted Such-A-Voice Master Class in September 2005. The class involved intense work on voice craft, script interpretation, studio work, and demo production.
Most importantly, I've completed thousands of VO projects
Whisper Room isolation area.
Pro Tools subscription
Rode K2 Tube Microphone
Waves Gold Plugins
Voice Acting is my full-time career! I wholeheartedly LOVE doing voice over work! You will not find another voice talent who will work harder or put more into their performance or the production of the final product than I do. If you are looking for a professional who can take direction and sound great, I'm your man!