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Bonnie Engstrom
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Bonnie Engstrom
Top Pro British Voice Over- Warm /direct,
Last online8 years ago
Bonnie Engstrom
Top Pro British Voice Over- Warm /direct,
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:59 - Total samples: 10
Bonnie Engstrom - 1:10
Bonnie Engstrom - 0:31
Bonnie Engstrom - 1:32
Save The Children
Bonnie Engstrom - 0:41
Bonnie Engstrom - 0:33
BBC Strictly Come Dancing
Bonnie Engstrom - 0:20
BBC My Gypsy Wedding
Bonnie Engstrom - 0:30
BBC Call The Midwife
Bonnie Engstrom - 0:30
BBC Upbeat Promo
Bonnie Engstrom - 0:30
Commercial in English - British
Bonnie Engstrom - 1:39
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About Bonnie
Member sinceDec 2, 2010
LocationLondon, UK (GMT +1)
Top Pro British voiceover! Highly experienced.....
I am a highly experienced voice-over artist. I was the ‘voice of Vodafone’ for many years. My voice has fronted many campaigns for companies such as Ford, Fiat, L’Oreal, Oil of Olay, Gaviscon, Galaxy and many more.
My voice is warm and authentic for narrations, with a very professional clear sound, also good for presenting and animation of any kind. I can take direction very well and can sound warm and friendly , or else authoritative and informative for narration.
Very experienced in website and business presentations, TV promos, commercials, narration and infomercial/training material.
Range from warm and upbeat 20s/30s, to sultry, sexy, warm/friendly, authoritative, moody and serious 30s/40s.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
London, UK
Additional vocal abilities
Dialects: RP, London, West Coast American, French, Swedish.
Experience, training, and equipment
I am a highly experienced voice-over artist. I was the ‘voice of Vodafone’ for many years. My voice has fronted many campaigns for companies such as Ford, Fiat, L’Oreal, Oil of Olay, Gaviscon, Galaxy and many more.
I have also voiced numerous documentaries for the History Channel and BBC3 and I am a regular promo voice for the BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5, Sky and TCM.
I also was the voice for Helen Archer for many years in Radio Four's legendary the Archers.
My acting career has spanned a wide range of work on the stage, in television, film, and radio.
I was born in London and moved to Stockholm at an early age. I went to the International school of Stockholm and trained full time at The Royal Swedish Ballet. Aged 16 I moved to England and trained at the Bush Davies Theatre School and Arts Educational in musical theatre and then on to the BA degree course in Acting at Guildhall School of Music and Drama. On my graduation I made my professional debut at The Royal Shakespeare Company as Ariel in THE TEMPEST.
I have starred in a wide range of theatre work including:
The Strindberg Season at The Gate Theatre, The Birmingham Repertory Theatre, The New Vic Theatre, and West Yorkshire Playhouse. I have worked with directors including Anthony Clarke, David Thacker, Gaynor McFarlane, Wils Wilson, Gwenda Hughes, and Chris Monks.
In 1998 I took the role of Helen Archer in BBC Radio 4’s THE ARCHERS and more recently I played Caroline and Julia Richards in the Radio 4 play A MAN CUT IN SLICES.
My TV career started on the set of EASTENDERS, playing Martin Kemp's girlfriend Amy. I went on to play Debbie in LONDON’S BURNING, Ria in HOLBY CITY and Janet for BBC 3’s TWISTED TALES. I also co-starred as Dirka in the award-winning Channel 4 series, THE BOOKGROUP.
In the feature film EXITZ I played Dr.Whittuck starring Malcolm McDowell directed by Laurens C. Postma and I have starred in numerous short films.
I am also a highly experienced voice-over artist. As well as being the ‘voice of Vodafone’ for many years, I have fronted many campaigns for companies such as Ford, Fiat, L’Oreal, Oil of Olay, Gaviscon, Galaxy, Stena Line and many more.
I have also voiced numerous documentaries for the History Channel and BBC3 and I am a regular promo voice for BBC, Channel4, Channel Five Sky and TCM.
Electro-Voice RE 20 Microphone
DBX 286A Pre Amp
I am a Native Swedish Speaker.