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Bill Hill
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Bill Hill
Bill Means Business
Last online4 years ago
Bill Hill
Bill Means Business
Last online4 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:45 - Total samples: 4
Bill Hill E-Learning
Bill Hill - 1:28
Bill Hill Commercial Demo
Bill Hill - 0:57
Bill Hill - 0:14
Bill Hill - 0:05
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About Bill
Member sinceDec 1, 2016
LocationNew York, NY, USA (GMT -4)
When you are looking to take your voice-overs to the next level. . .to the executive level, trust your script to Bill Hill, because everyone knows that Bill means business. As the CEO of your next narration, commercial, or e-learning project, you can have complete confidence that Bill’s resonant baritone will close the deal.
Bill has built a successful engineering career at some of the nations largest high tech fortune 500 companies. During this time, he has gained extensive knowledge in the commercial, e-learning and narration voice-over industries by working with and learning from some of the best in the voice-over business.
Whether your project calls for a deep resonant and authoritative sound or a rich, silky tone, Bill delivers. That’s the bottom line.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
New York, NY, USA
Additional vocal abilities
Mid Range to Deep
Voice of God
Darth Vader
Voice in Truck Commercials
Sounds Like Arby's "we have the meats" VO
Sounds Like Allstate spokesperson
Next door neighbor
Experience, training, and equipment
Corporate and E-Learning videos.
Marla Weber-Green (Stewart Talent) Cast Events, NYC
Andy Roth (Casting Director) Cast Events, NYC
Paul Liberti (Actors Connection), NYC
Mark Blum (HB Studio), NYC
Voiceover Coach - Bruce Kronenberg (Abacus Studios), NYC Present
Computer - iMac
Audio Recording Software - Adobe Audition CC 2019
Mic - Neumann TLM 103
Audio Interface - Focusrite 2i2
Relevant Experience:
Professional Disc Jockey (90s-Early 2000s)
Technical Sales Engineer - Experienced in presenting and explaining complex technical concepts