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Ben Sullivan
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Ben Sullivan
Young, male, intelligent, deep, business
Last online5 years ago
Ben Sullivan
Young, male, intelligent, deep, business
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:13 - Total samples: 9
Ben Sullivan Commercial Demo
Ben Sullivan - 2:17
Prime Demand
Ben Sullivan - 0:32
Arovex by Zyvex
Ben Sullivan - 0:36
IsoToner SmarTouch Gloves
Ben Sullivan - 0:30
Cincinnati Bell Sale
Ben Sullivan - 0:15
Ocean Adventures
Ben Sullivan - 0:43
Mindful Eating
Ben Sullivan - 0:34
Auntie Beryl
Ben Sullivan - 0:52
Sams Club Internal
Ben Sullivan - 0:51
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About Ben
Member sinceFeb 12, 2011
I am a classically trained actor with a focus on voice acting and narration. I've recorded action audio books, textbooks, internal training videos, radio sales advertisements and children's stories.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
dialects: RP, OP, Northern Irish, Russian, Deep South, New York, Scottish, Cockney.
Experience, training, and equipment
I first trained at Evolution Audio (Don Martin and Paul Meier) to cut a demo. Most recently I've worked with Paul Liberti at Actors Connection in NYC. In college I was the voice of many advertisements for our student radio - KJHK, and I got to perform as Demetrius in A Midsummer Night's Dream for Kansas Public Radio. My commercial work includes Fresh Express for the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers, Cincinnati Bell and Sam's Club. My first audiobook, Lethal Circuit, is available on Audible, Amazon and iTunes.
BA in Theatre Performance, BS Journalism; University of Kansas 2011.
Professional Voice Over Tune Up with Paul Liberti - Actors Connection, NYC.
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park - Bruce E. Coyle Acting Intern 2011-2012 season.
Through KU:
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Demetrius
Anything Goes - Ship's Captain.
Arms and the Man - Captain Bluntschli
The Glass Menagerie - Jim O'Connor
The 13 Clocks - The Duke of Coffin Castle
Web Producer - University Daily Kansan
Staff Writer - Jayplay, University Daily Kansan
Video Production and narration - University Daily Kansan
Studio Projects C1
M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB
sE Electronics Reflexion Filter PRO
Guitar, Mandolin, voice production, advertising copy