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Ben Kelly
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Ben Kelly
Natural, Reassuring, Friendly, Neutral English Accent
Last online3 years ago
Ben Kelly
Natural, Reassuring, Friendly, Neutral English Accent
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (2)
All my samples
Duration: 6:40 - Total samples: 5
Children's Audiobook
Ben Kelly - 2:53
Ben Kelly - 0:56
Ben Kelly - 0:59
Explainer Video
Ben Kelly - 0:58
Ben Kelly - 0:52
Voice Reel
Duration: 2:15 - Total samples: 1
Voice Reel
Ben Kelly - 2:15
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About Ben
Member sinceFeb 28, 2018
LocationBrighton, UK (GMT +1)
An approachable British male voice. Calm, intelligent and authentic.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Brighton, UK
Experience, training, and equipment
I recently completed a VO for an internal explainer video for American Express in the UK. The demo is available on my profile.
I’ve worked in the Corporate sector for 20 years, Corporate style e-learning and IVR are my specialty.
I recently completed VO for an American Express internal explainer video, via an external design agency Beyond Local. Nina Cooper - Design Director gave this feedback
"Working with Ben is an absolute pleasure. He clearly care about the quality of work being produced and is responsive and reliable. We were delighted with the voice-over as well as his ability to turn around the job at short notice. We wouldn't hesitate to use him again."
Being a father of two I’m also very interested in finding children audiobook work.
Gary Terzza VOmasterclass
I have a complete home studio for audio edition. I use a T-Bone condenser mic and Audacity for edition.
I'm also a singer and casual musician and enjoy nothing better than reading to my two young children.